Chapter 8

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Third person POV
Everyone had laughed at the joke the Brazilian country had made. The countries made their way into the run down building before the last rays of day went below the horizon. "Guess we better get used to it, this is going to be our home for now." Pakistan exclaimed, "in the morning, me and anyone who wants to go will look for anyone, if anyone wants to go that is." Pakistan continued. "I'll go!" Argentina raised her hand, "alright it's settled me and Argentina will leave tomorrow morning, and if we don't find anyone we will be back around noon."
Everyone nodded showing they understood.
Fascist Italy POV
"Alright we're back!" I yelled, Germany entered and helped us carry the supplies we had gotten back in the building. "How was your trip?" The try colored country asked, Third Reich laughed then said. "It was alright I guess not much happened." Germany nodded then continued carrying the load back to where everyone was. Imperial was sharpening her katana before looking at us, and Austria-Hungary was across the room. "Look who's back!" The Japanese women laughed. Reich gave her a annoyed face as she continued laughing. I shook my head as we were lead to a corner to put what we found in.
After a while we found ourselves sitting in a circle. Talking to each other. "Hey guys?" We all looked at the person who said that, which was Germany. "Do you think we can go out tomorrow to look for my grandpa? We got separated.." Austria-Hungry looked upset as well. "Yeah I'm getting worried," the blind empire said. Everyone else looked at the two, "I think we should" I commented. Japanese empire and third both agreed.
Reich spoke up, "we should go. Besides we need to move on, search for anyone." Everyone agreed and started to pack up.
Time skip: the next morning
Brazil POV
I woke up after a decent night sleep, decent I say but, It was actually not very good. Once I got over the fact I had a terrible sleep, I made my way into the main room, everyone was already gathered in said room. All their gazes shifted towards me as I made my way in.
"Are you ready to go Pakistan?" Argentina spoke, "in about another 5 minutes I will be." Said country replied back. Argentina nodded her head and went back to packing her bag. But quickly looked at me instead, "oh hola brasil! ¡Estamos a punto de irnos, me alegro de que hayas llegado a tiempo!" "oh hello brazil! we are just about to leave glad you made it in time!" The blue country gladly said, she chuckled and quickly kissed my cheek. Then went back to packing her bag.
I was blushing slightly at the kind gesture as I sat next to Canada and Empire
"Hey Brazil, what are you up to?" Canada questioned. "Nothing really just trying to wake up." I laughed I pulled my arms over my head to try to stretch. Canada laughed slightly at my joke, "anyway I'm doing okay how about you guys?" "I'd say I'm doing okay, how about you G?" German empire looked at us, "I'm decent." He didn't say anything more, but we didn't pay any mind to it as Pakistan announced that she and Argentina where leaving. "Bye everyone!" Argentina waved we all waved back as the girls left the building.
I'm soooo sooo sorry for the long wait, i was busy with school and writing my other story I will try to get more out this week but no promises
Hopefully you guys enjoyed reading!
Have a good day or night
Word count: 620

..purge..Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant