Chapter 4

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Somewhere else..

China POV

Me, North Korea and his brother South Korea are currently running for our lives.. well not just us anymore we are currently getting chased by a hoard of the undead.
"We almost got them off our trail!" I yelled the brothers looked at me and nodded.

The next turn we made we finally lost the hoard, we ran a little further away before stopping catching our breath.
"You guys okay?" South questioned. Me and north nodded in response. "Good, good" he stood straight north following in the process. "Best not stay in one place to long we got to keep moving." North stated, he walked the direction opposite of which we came.

We quickly followed behind not wanting to get separated. It was utter silence before south spoke, "how do you think we got here?" "Don't know.. all I remember is going to sleep in my bed.." I answered "do you think there are more countries and not just us?" North chimed in. "I hope so. But not sure.." I answered him. We didn't say anything else for a while.. until we heard it.. the alarm..
5 minutes before..
"As you all have heard this meeting will be different.." I said I pushed a button having a large screen like table appear in the center of the room. "Do you mind explaining what that is?" Angola asked. "This is a one-way mirror of some sort." I paused before continued, " this way we will be able to see the current state of a country in the test." I finished. "Can someone name a country?" "China?" Mongolia mumbled, the screen changed showing not only china but with North and South Korea.

"Woah" Mongolia said shifting in her seat. But it wasn't done the screen then shifted outward showing a hoard of the undead chasing them. "What happens if one gets them?" Bangladesh asked. "If they just get touched they will be okay but if they get bite they will get teleported back here." NATO stated his eyes still fixed on the screen. "Are you sure this is safe?" Brunei asked.
"Yeah, what is one of them gets a serious mental illness from this?!" Britain semi-yelled
"My wife and some of my kids are in there! Not to mention my best friend!?" Britain yelled loudly. It got quite. "You can name someone Britain." I said trying to calm him down.
He thought for a moment.. "Canada.."
The screen moves to show Canada with Brazil, Argentina, Pakistan, and German empire.

"At least he isn't alone.."
Word count: 431
There is chapter 4 hope it's good
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Have a good day or night

..purge..Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant