Author's Note

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Alright so this is my first book and I'm going to be basing this mostly on the books, though there are some famous scenes from the movies I will use. Sadly the Harry Potter characters are not mine they belong to J.K. Rowling/She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, however I own the characters Y/N Jo Elizabeth, Michael Martin Wild, Joanne Mary Elizabeth, and Fredrick Martin Wild.

And to lightly introduce my character...

Y/N Jo Elizabeth is a normal (or so she thinks) girl with pretty H/C hair, beautiful E/C eyes and smooth S/C skin, who can be very sassy, usually kind and sometimes shy around new people, with loving parents Joanne Mary Elizabeth and Fredrick Martin Wild, and a older brother, Michael Martin Wild who all live on Number 40 Privet Drive, Little Winging, Surrey, and who went to St. Gorgory's until she was turned 11 but then got a letter in the mail that changed her whole life... Little did she know the scrawny green-eyed boy, who lived on the same street, the very same person at school she always tried to be kind to because of how badly he was bullied, got a very similar letter...

I'm sorry if this book has incorrect Grammer or spelling, like I said before it's my first one. I'm going to try to get the first chapter out A.S.A.P.

I honestly don't know how many reads or votes this story will get and don't care I'm doing this as an outlet and to improve my writing skills, also so you don't get mad at me later on Y/N will be in Gryffindor, the only reason for that is because it will work out much better for the plot, I am already thinking about once this is done I might do another one where Y/N is a Ravenclaw but I'm not going to do two at a time.

And about the update schedule I'll let you know once I'm done with the first chapter because I honestly don't know how long it will take. Also, for no reason in particular, I'm going to add a meme at the beginning of each chapter. Sorry if you don't like them, OH, and one more thing if you have anything hateful to say please think about what you're saying before you post it, if you really feel the need to get it out there please try rephrasing it in a kinder way or if you don't want to do that shut down your device for a second and take a few deep breaths and think of someone you love. ALSO, her b-day is August 7th.

Anyway see you next chapter, bye!

(Word Count: 398)

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