|◇{× Chapter One: Hi ×}◇|

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A/N I forgot to mention the meme beginning each chapter will not be connected to the chapter, anyway, enjoy

(Y/N is 8 here and Mike is 10, her parents are the same age, both 30)


I feel a gentle poke to my head and shut my eyes tighter "Come on," I hear the person mutter and feel a harder poke to my head "Come on!" I hear again, a little louder this time. Finally the person, my brother, shakes me "I know your awake!" he says it in a sing-song voice and I groan.

"Really, Michael! I was having an amazing dream where I didn't ever have to leave my bed and people fed me seedless grapes!" (A/N: I'M SORRY💀) "Too bad, so sad," He fake pouts as I unbury my face from my pillow. "We have to go to school so get up, lazy," Mike says, patting me on the head good-naturedly and walks out of my room, shutting the door behind him. I smile to myself, even though Mike can be annoying, just like any older brother, he's very kind.

After I slip on a F/C sweater and ripped jeans I (quickly/slowly) brush the tangles out of my (long/medium/short) H/C hair and run down the stairs quickly inhaling my breakfast of F/B I pull on my sneakers and saying goodbye and quickly hugging my parents before sliding on my backpack and walking out the door, Mike just after me.

When we arrive at the bus stop with a few other kids there the bus pulls up about 2 minutes later and we all climb on. (A/N: I'm American so I don't really know how the U.K. school bus system works, please feel free to educate me.) I'm one of the last people to get on and there are no empty seats and Mike is sitting by one of his friends so I have to sit by someone I don't know because none of my friends ride this bus. I sit down at the first seat I see with a kid that looks around my age and as he turns to look at me the first thing I notice are the pair of bright green eyes framed by messy locks of raven colored hair. My eyes widen in surprise as I realize he's the kid who is always bullied by "The Ugly One" as my friends call the fat boy who bullies anyone he sees "Hello," I say in the softest tone I can while still being hear from the other people talking on the bus while wearing a kind smile and his eyes widen even further "H-hi," he says nervously back. "I'm Y/N!" "H-hi," he says again, then realizing he already said that he turns red and mutters "Sorry," and looks at his feet in embarrassment. "It's fine!" I quickly assure him. "What's your name?" I ask "Oh! My n-name's Harry," "Cool!" I reply, and he blushes and looks at his feet again.

"Soooo?" Mike asks "Soooo what?" I question, confused "Soooo who's your new boyfriend?" He teases "HEY!" I yell and slap his arm, a few people look at us in alarm but quickly turn back to their conversations "I'm EIGHT, dummy, not fifteen," I say, rolling my eyes at him "But I saw how you were looking at Alexxxxx," I say smirking at him, talking about his guy-friend who he was sitting with, and he looked around fearfully "You said you wouldn't say anything about 'it'," he hissed his face turning red, because we both clearly remembered the time when he had confessed to her that he was attracted to a boy in his class when he was 8 and I was 6 I was obviously very supportive to him and tried to get him to tell their parents but he had convinced me he would tell them when he was ready and I realize how snobbish that made me sound for talking about something in public that he didn't want know but it's not as if I had screamed it or someone was stalking us and listening to our evey word, besides Alex is a name that doesn't really have one set gender it's attached to, like there could be Alex as in short for Alexandria or Alexandra or Alex could be short for Alexander so I muttered "Sorry," and hurried of to my classroom with my head low.

A/N: WHY WAS THAT SO FUN, also that chapter was just so you all could see how Harry and Y/N ✨️met✨️ and I don't think the chapters are usually going to be this short, so until next chapter BYEEEE! <3

(Word Count: 769)

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