|◇{× Chapter Seven: Quit-Itch×}◇|

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A/N: Quittitch aka quit itch :))))

(Y/N just turned 14, Mike is 16, do ur own math for the rest)


"AAHHHH!" I screech "Are you okay?!" my dad shouts "YEAH!"I reply, when I am in fact, not after I woke up my skin was feeling gross and itchy and when I had taken off my PJs it had revealed angry red hives on my skin as I grimace at my reflection in my mirror my head is whirling with thoughts about what would make these itchy disasters dissappear. I pull my robe on and hurry to the bathroom where I quickly start to fill the bathtub with warm water, not to hot because one time I had some exsama or something and I had to take a shower and it was at a temperature I usually enjoy but it felt like someone was putting a red hot iron on the place with the red itchy stuff when the water hit it.

After the tub is filled about halfway I turn the water off and climb in gently rubbing sudsy soap on the read areas. Deciding since their aren't any rash things on my legs and I'm going to the Quittitch world cup with the Weasley's, Harry and Hermione in two days I shave my legs, a thing I'd been doing after I'd turned twelve. After stepping out and drying myself I put on lotion and hope that will help. Then I wrap my hair up in this weird twisty towl thing that keeps it from dripping water all over the floor and after putting my robe back on I rummage through the cabinet to look for something that will stop the itching. 'Quit-Itch! A fast acting lotion to help stop the itch!' Hmmm, that might work, and it must be lucky since it basically spells 'Quittitch,' I shrug and take it back to my room applying it to all the needed areas and deciding to pack it with the stuff I'm bring to the Weasley's house, because later when I go to Harry's house they will pick us up both from there.


'I wonder what Y/N will think about the Dursley's house' Is the one thought spinning though my mind, even though this place has never felt like home to me I still wonder what she will think of the place I lived for ten years of my life and where I go for summer break. I'm nervous so I'm writing about it. Honestly the thought of her amazing (curly/wavy/straight) H/C hair, her burning E/C eyes that feel like they are piercing through your head and reading your thoughts and her smooth S/C skin that looks as though it's glowing from the inside makes my stomach erupt in butterflys, and her face is framed by pretty (freckled cheeks/smooth cheeks). (A/N: They are face cheeks, not ass cheeks.) She is beautiful. 


As my mum pulls up to Number 4, Privet Dive I hop out of the car and pull my luggage out from behind me I set it on the crub and gently grab Lutin's cage, and she coos softly from inside "Don't worry darling you'll be able to strech your wings soon," I say softly and holding her carefully in one arm and turn around waving bye to mum, dad and Mike, I was glad Mike didn't like Quittitch so he wouldn't be jealous of me going and him not. I blew kisses to all of them as they drove away and Mike sticks his hand out of the window and waves goodbye. I smile to myself and start to roll my luggage to the front door. I ring the doorbell and await anxiously but then the door opens and a certain boy with beautiful green eyes and messy black hair with a cute giddy smile on his face "Here, lemme help you with that!" he says reaching out for my luggage. "Thanks Harry!" I say, "Er, come on in," he says his face turning red, realizing he'd been to busy staring at me to move "Sorry," he apologizes after I step in I slip off my shoes and reply "It's fine, you've changed too," then flush after registering what I had just said, and it was true, he was taller and his jaw line much more defined, and his hair was a lot longer, almost shoulder length, he had changed in the summer between second and third year too but something else had changed and it was something much different and in my opinion, more attractive, he was confident, not just personality wise but he looked more comfortable in his own body, and quite clearly he had been exercising over the summer because he wasn't just more filled out he had visibly stronger arms and legs and broder shoulders. "Are you done checking me out yet?" He asked, see, more confident, "Don't pretend you weren't checking me out when you answered the door," I scoffed "So you don't deny you were checking me out?" he asked tilting my chin up so that our noses were brushing then his eyes widened "Shit, sorry," he mumbled letting go of my chin and quickly backing away.

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