|◇{× Chapter 6: Year 1 ×}◇|

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A/N: Okay so I'm going to do this thing where the next three chapters are Y/N telling first, second and third year to Joanne (mom),  Fred (dad), and Mike respectively so that we can get to 4th year faster.


"...And when it was my first flying lesson after we had all gotten our brooms Neville accidently went up before Madam Hooch said to and then he fell of his broom and broke his arm! It was really sad and this prick-" "Y/N," my mum said sternly "Sorry, this... bully he picked up one of Neville's belongings and was going to put it up on a tree! But Harry was like 'Give it here, Malfoy,' and I was like 'Yeah, hand Neville's rememberball over,' and Malfoy was like 'I think I'll leave this somewhere for the big baby to find,' and then he flew up and was about to put the ball in a tree and then Harry flew up and Malfoy tossed it and Harry dived after it!..."

"...And right after the troll burst into the bathroom with Hermione and me in it Harry and Ron ran in after and Harry stuck his wand way up the trolls nose (A/N: don't, just don't) then the troll started trying to smash Harry with it's club thing and then Ron preformed the levitation spell and knocked out and then..."

"...So that's why we were suspecting it was Professer Snape, and that's why we needed to see Professer Dumbledore, but he was GONE because he had to go to the Ministry of Magic, so then we went to the room with that giant dog, but Harry brought this flute thing Hagrid made him..."

"...And then after Hermione used fire to free us from the Devils Snare we went to the next room..."

"...So that's how Harry figured out which one was the key and how we got it but then in the next room..."

"...And in the chess game Harry was a rook, Hermione was a bishop, Ron was a knight and I was a queen!..."

"...But in the next room I defeated a TROLL because earlier I brought my queens sword with because why not and I stabed that sucker right through his brain!..."

"...So when Hermione figured out which one was going to take us back and which would bring us forward Harry told me and Hermione to go get Ron, take the brooms that we used to catch the flying key and send a message to Dumbledore we hurried to do that..."

"...And finally after Harry woke up he was able to eat with us for the last feast and Gryffindor was in last place but Dumbledore gave us just enough points to be the house cup winners which I think isn't really fair because Slytherin earned it but then we just kinda stole their moment..."

"Well it certainly seems like you had an eventful first year!" mom chuckles, ruffling my hair "I hope it's not like that every year!" she comments...

A/N: Onto year two!!! Au revoir!

(Word Count: 498) 

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