not by your hands

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Teru pov:

The fact that No.7 has a child upsets and worries me. A wonder having a child is unheard of. On top of that Yashiro was able to hide the pregnancy and I didn't even detect the apparition child, unless...the child isn't only an apparition. I need to find out where they keep her. I can't stand for having another un-exterminated apparition. 

I search the school top to bottom but nothing. But then I see Kou with Mistuba near a wall. 

Kou pov: 

We were at a wall. Mistuba said he needed to go into a room, but there was no room. Then Mistuba touched the wall and a door appeared. I was in shock. Since when was this here?

Kou: How long has this been here???

Mistuba: A week before the birth of Chouko. It was built by No.4.

Kou: the birth of who???

Mistuba: you sure ask a lot of question, The son of Yako and Spiderdad is Chouko


Mistuba: OMG please save these question for another time. Right now I need to check up on Hana and Chouko, Since crazy knife went out shopping and No.8 is cleaning and she doesn't want Hana anywhere near the chemicals. And we're all keeping an eye out for their powers. They may be young but they're still apparitions. 

Kou: well let me help

I reach for the door knob and turn it and it's hard locked. 

Kou: it's locked 

Mistuba: because only wonders can enter so stay here. It'll be quick 

Mistuba a few minutes later comes out a few minutes later. 

Mistuba: We have little time left before you gotta go, so let's make it count baby

I blush knowing what he's planning.

Teru pov:

I see Kou and his friend walk off and I head for the door. I tried to open it and it's lock. Damnit. I try to kick it down but to no avail. I grab my sword, charge it up, and take a swing. The lighting makes contact and then reflects and shocked me. I fell in extreme pain. 

Teru: why won't it open

"Because only the 8 wonders can access it and pass through the barrier" I hear a cold voice say. I turn and I see No.5. 

Tsuchigomori: Step away from the room and go home.

Teru: didn't know you'd be so protective of No.7's child

"hurting either of them will cost you your life Minamoto" He spat venomously

Teru: so you have your own child

Tsuchigomori: be grateful his mother isn't here or she would've shredded you with her scissors. But hurt No.7's child and she'll be the last of your worries

Teru: so she cares, but just who exactly do I have to worry about?~ You? No.8 or even 7~ Ha

Tsuchigomori: you laugh now but you'll regret paying the price later. But you'll have to face all the wonders. On top of that all of them enraged. Upsetting the 7th will be the worst. We may have a lot of apparitions. But most know to not anger a wonder. We're kind until you cross the line. The apparitions especially the one's who went after the 8th were fools. An were exterminated in a second by Lord 7 in the blink of an eye. So I tell you again. LEAVE 

Teru: fine 

I leave. But since I can't get them the easy way it'll have to be the hard way. Time to move to plan B. At least with this plan I can get rid of all of them at once. 

TBHK FanfictionThe Daughter of Lord No.7 and No.8 (sequel to "The Talk")Where stories live. Discover now