Worry for the Rain

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Something that made Bryan laugh too, over the embarrassment, departing the one next to him over a few flowers given to him. It felt too good to be real, if anything it was like a dream, a dream he suddenly woke up from his phone alarm as it blared suddenly, signaling his 4 am usual wake-up time. Something he groaned about waking up to continuously. A thing that kept him going, but dragged him along at the same time.

It was all too well and he knew that, he just didn’t know why he had dreamed of that with his boss, let alone someone as professional as Dr. Vendi. Even though had flirted with him, it was simply because he was an employee of the company, he flirted first anyways. With the ruby eye mentioned, it was only a nice thing to do, he didn’t blame the CEO.

It was until he grudgingly started to rub his eyes from the lack of sleep and constant reawakened of scheduled emails, advertisements, and financial drawbacks, he was never one who knew how to fully comprehended finances, but he knew an adequate amount to fill, everything out. The bed felt too comfortable to get up, and the sheets were warmed like a freshly cooked winter breakfast, keeping the cold out as he grew warmer and more comfortable by the minute.

However, it was until he started to move painstakingly slowly due to the effort amount of internal dilemmas from work and the rather comfortable situation he was placed in, it became problematic to proceed quickly and sufficiently.

His body was worn down, and metaphoric satin hands came up from the mattress and tried to pull him down, succeeding until he fully attempts to awaken. The heaviness was still ingrained into his body as he laid back down, still half asleep with eyelids seeking to close down on him.

 He glimpsed to his left, his hand moving around to get borderline comfortable however recognizing he was going to have to get up eventually. It was until he felt a relatively warm region of the bed, memory lacked confidence this early in the morning, and balanced prosperity, it was just a small indication until he fully sat up to the rather warm area of the bed moving to face him unknowingly to them. The man was slightly clinging onto his waist, the warm hands not prevalent before until he had woken up a little more, the hands wrapping around him, the hotness clear to him as his skin ran colder than others.

Someone was in his bed.

“WHAT THE FUCK.” It was 4:30, a standoff commenced between the two, he scrambled to get out the bed, his head slightly hitting the floor, a dull pain hitting the back of his head as he tried to concentrate on the man who held onto him; the guy in the bed clutched onto him, and nearly dropped with him. Narrowly awakened and confused, he commenced emerging with a confused look until Bryan jumped onto him, a little struggle as he caught his foot in the sheets but still getting the message across.

As the man begun to question the unexpected movement, he was cut off by Bryan forcing him back on the bed before a pillow started to muffle his face, an attempt by Bryan to destabilize the threat, his panic arising as the man under him struggled, his inaudible noises underneath Bryan as he struggled to get the weapon off of him.

It was until the man put his hands upward, his palms encountering Bryan as he did a surrendering motion, his heavy breathing still prevalent but less of a struggle. His terror and confusion was still noticeable and apparent but they disturbed Bryan.

 Bryan’s hold on the pillow lessened, and the surrendering motion functioned, but it just made Bryan more skeptical, no animatronic is under, as he couldn’t feel the metallic texture that accompanies any robot he knows, the fur that surrounds the others isn’t prominent, he could feel warmth, but there were no small whirring from a fan to keep them cool. 

It was a human. But he doesn’t know any individual that would surrender easily under physical strain. A small idea formed, and before he realized it, he raised one side of the pillow, before being met by a familiar face. Leaving him to put the pillow off to the side, the man under him slightly shaking.

The Rain Learned To Love (TFF) Bryan X VendiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin