Rain Missed the Attendance

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This is PART 1 of a Teacher AU consisting of:

-Dr. Vendi is a teacher at Princeton.

-Bryan as the new teaching assistant.

Dr. Vendi was one to wake up at 5:30 am, the dark sky greeted him as he opened his door into the large lecture room of Business 1, the board had been wiped from the previous Tuesday due to the cleaning crew. The strict schedule he put on himself was catching up slowly as the eye bags under his eyes were weighing him down, his former teaching assistant for 2 years had all but quit on him. Quite a surprise and disappointment to leave him on such notice and after the years they've spent, he had half a mind they would've given him a better apology but it was useless to think so much of his old assistant, the brute was a dimwit, his answered and provided tips were rubberish and half approved by the teacher.

Emailing him to put in better work or to never provide advice to the students, taking away half his duties due to the whining and lack of competence the idiot had and never allowing him air to breathe in his personal space, the stupid oaf was a touchy individual and a disgrace to hygiene, running Vendi sick more times than he counted.

The workload was too much on them as he tried to wrangle freshmen and seniors in college for their full potential in a strict and dictator-ish way, his expectations of them growing ever higher as the semester continued, their final coming in just short three months and a half away, adequate time for a thesis of this semester, a project in the upcoming and a few essays sprinkled along the way for better understanding of their vocabulary in this subject. It was the expected, nothing much other than the final preparations of the semester and the overall review of their knowledge regarding this class, his expectations were set in high regard and they understood his heightened ultimatum; it was no mystery that he was one to fail those who didn't meet his standard of what their writing capability should look like.

Nothing quite like a new semester and a wide variety of students to fail in this upcoming year, a large group would take his class for granted, and those who fail would only be foolish enough to fail, his business classes were no joke to him, and a small totality would comprehend little of what they would get themselves into assuming he would take their grades with a grain of salt in mind. However, he didn't trade out the workload as he would assume he would this year, bearing in mind his breakdown of each syllabus of every assignment he uploads and a strict schedule can only be reversed around for a considerable amount of time for grading in their assignments and thorough review of each sentence they typed out, feverishly or time painless.

The days were growing dim on him, the workload exclusively duplicated without an assistant, he already dreaded the moments he would return home, his calculator open as he reorganized his already strict schedule for the 5th revision, contemplating on the essay grading to be packed in with 4 other classes and a thesis grading only have to stay up the following 17 hours with caffeinated tea breaks every few hours to be able to grow less insane of the time passing him.

His work-related grades grew more feverish and messy, unwilling to grow short in quantity but it would cost him his quality and sanity, a great expense indeed but the amount of pressure growing on him and the growing student count every year had dragged him heavily. The Greek myth of a cursed man pushing a rock to the top of a mountain, chained there for eternity had felt right in the way he was burdened, he would have a fleeting moment of satisfaction before being ripped away in the most sinister way imaginable, the rock he pushed to the top of the mountain was done, only to tip over to the other side.

He had emailed the school a request for a new assistant, his class had the largest workload and the highest GPA students out there, coming from all over the state to be in the school as he taught them to be persuasive and clever in their business deals was already a great pressure burden on him. He set down the large computer bag on his desk with a heavy thud, the morning routine he could do in his sleep for thousands of years.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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