The Rain poured gifts

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Vendi had concluded, it was the 5th gift.

The 5th gift of what had transpired the preceding 4 hours of paperwork and continuous phone calls of strained, intimidated voices by branched compartments with managers half-assing their responsibility to be careless of the privilege they were allowed in this company.

 At first, Vendi didn’t seem to take notice of his assistant, Angelia carrying forth what had been supposedly anonymous endorsements by an individual he’d only determined retain a lot of time, it was only by the 3rd gift from the attendant with a nervous and confused face at the front desk that he became suspicious of the small loans of generosity.

Someone was endlessly delivering them to him, of what could be of pity, admiration, or sinister characteristics. It became quite a dilemma to legislate as he sat on his chair, a small creak was present but the expensive cushions greeted him not long after, the smooth wood finish glistening slightly under numerous donations of different lengths and widths, none of them with an address or handwritten note, the footage of the front desk had no evidence as a messenger man had delivered them.

Someone compensated them to transmit these gifts, he just couldn’t figure out who, as the gifts lay too many and large for his desk to concentrate or even maneuver around. Nevertheless, they were not large enough to be extremely disturbed by them, they were small to fit onto his desk in a neat stack, they just, existed, for an unspecified rationale.

As he leaned back in his cushioned chair, a small notification popped up along his computer screen, the white background blaring into his eyes cruelly as a punishment as the gifts laid behind his screen, taunting him. An email statement had popped up, a warning of his scheduled appointment he was waiting all day for.

The meeting would initiate momentarily, and a small indication by Bryan soon proceeded not too long after, as to not startle him like the aforementioned moments he had come by, it was a small routine that was put in place by Bryan due to Vendi's constant stuttering by being frightened by a minor hello.

Because his stuttering was due to his surprise by the presence of the brunette, not by how he optimistically conveyed to him, how he was quite delightful to be around, how despite the commotions he went through, he was still nice to the CEO and wasn’t deterred by him when they first greeted, how he laughs at Vendi's flirtatious jokes, with a fluffy and soft, genuine chuckle, it was none of those at all.

It was until his elevator quietly dinged that he had hardly taken attention of the brunette walking in and striding towards him, as he had finished a contemporary email from one of the minor branches, his mind rambling about the brunette just a few feet to the left without knowledge.

His entire mind was shoved and forced with poison to keep thinking about the park owner whenever he would pop up. Despite existing so promptly, it was quite often he would be cited in conversation or the connotation behind the exchange

It was until a neat and minor tap on the desk transpired, the CEO slightly froze up from the sudden expectation of someone else he would just brush off and shoo away due to the proportion of paperwork he has relinquished and the individual he was waiting on until he formulated eye contact with the man infiltrating his psyche like an unmonitored climate.

Hello Dr. Vendi,” the man near his left barely let out, just above a whisper as he softly spoke. It seemed he was a little strained today as his eyes grew tired as if he had been stressed out the entire day, Vendi assumed Bryan was doing adequately, mentally in operating the mall, but he has done the advertisement for the last 3 weeks anticipated Pat's absence.

“Bryan, it’s good to see you again, you’re earlier than what I had anticipated,” The man silently nodded in disclosure,  shuffling through the folder he carried to change out the files required for this seminar, the last 2 individuals required for the meeting rapidly came around from the elevator as it quietly opened.

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