Snow followed the Rain

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The morning dawn had shined through his car's windows, while the blaring street lights stood coldly over him and looming over him as another continual entity.

It was not a thing he worried about, it would be a thing he looks at as a mediocre commodity to glance at during the 1 hour of driving it takes him to get to the park. The quiet of the car kept him calm, keeps him relaxed, and steady, without distractions, leading him to the mall without contention.

The small sunshine and warmth were peeking through like curtains shyly. The deserted parking lot welcomed and greeted him like a familiar friend, a constant element in his life he has learned to love not take suspicion in, to not heed until he'd rather disregard everything to gape at the looming lamps.

The mall was barely out of distance, the slight sun peeking in midway, the warmth now spilling in from the previous cold night, as he had turned into a familiar street leading up to the aforementioned pizzeria, inhabiting and residing in the large mall. He was always the first of the shop's owners and managers to arrive, and always the last to depart, a continuous routine was put in position to maintain him distracted. It had worked for the most part, keyword,

"for the most part."

The engine clicks as he snatches the key from the car, the door unlocking and shutting, allowing a small harsh wind to accompany it, it was still cold, and winter was coming soon, as well as an accumulation in sales and anxiety. Winter was a period for comfort but the underlying obstacle of snow, advertisements, and panic had always taken a hold of some people.

It's what he had dreaded to come ever since the park incident of the tree burning down, before that, occasional catastrophe, he appreciated some fractions of winter, the chilliness was one of them.

Entering the mall was one of the reasons why the large area took so long to build, the vast emptiness but grand entrance was the longest part, and the extent of the area was massive, the construction company had never failed to amaze him. However, the fresh coldness had accelerated the process of walking up to the substantial pizzeria, he wasn't bothered by it in the slightest but the unusual coldness had materialized rather rapidly than most individuals were used to.

It had occurred when Gregory had woken him up with a shy and scared knock around 2 am, the coldness had gotten into his room and he woke up cold and shivering. He was scared to knock, not memorizing where the blankets were.

Unable to go back to sleep for a while, he ended up remaining in Bryan's bed with a few extra blankets and a cup of hot cocoa given to him by Bryan, drifting off to sleep not soon after. The coldness of Bryan's skin only assisted when Gregory got overly warmed, keeping a temperature balance as the candle scented the room in Christmas essence.

Unlocking the caged door put before the glass, he lifted it, before it latched into the magnet above, maintaining it in position until needed, before requiring to unlock the glass doors behind.

The ac had trickled and seeped its way through, he would have to turn it off from how frigid and harsh it was outside. The animatronics were still charging, a little slower than ordinary but that emerges from metal entities that have to heat up longer if it's colder than usual.

As he had stepped through his office, placing his red suit jacket over the chair, he took a diminutive instant to glimpse around at the residence he had only recently gained back, a property he only desired to obtain back but not rip away from someone, still recoiling in disgust at conversations and arguments he brought up against Pat, jabbing his mind constantly whenever he could drift into his thoughts.

As he attempted to take his mind off of the consuming guilt overtaking his mind, he had taken notice of the dusty interior of the place, had he not observed this? He noticed of his desk was a minor messy but the extra desks were further than a little dusty, they were almost decorated in a layer of dust, like icing on a cake.

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