I don't love the Rain? (I do) P.2

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PART 2!! I am so sorry for the delay!!

Sorry, sorry! I didn't imply to blank out, I was. I was trying.... I was trying too..? Trying to reach you to see what you're wearing for the dinner date! Yes, the, the dinner date." Smooth Vendi, how smooth. For someone who's know to weasel his manner with knowledge for the past 9 years while working under people who step on individuals for a tiny indication of money.

And he can't say that despite it being blurted out and not knowing what to say, he was still curious about his question, did Bryan put a lot of reflection into it himself? Was he the same as Vendi? Did he like Vendi too?? Why was he so adamant about what Bryan was thinking??

"Oh. Oh, I haven't given it much thought yet. Why do you ask...?" the voice had been weary on what he had questioned him on it, you could tell he was a little tired but he put the act up well. Still, it all the more made him question why he was so adamant about his decision to bring the date topic up. Is he that desperate for them to finish the reconstruction of this restaurant? Or did he just want an excuse to talk to Bryan again?

However, a small pain of disappointment and heartburn still hit him together silently, bringing up a lump in his throat to be all the more unbearable. He knew talking about his feelings was a little hard but to this extent was ridiculous, he was quite literally acting like a fish out of water.

Attempting to speak again, Vendi's mouth opened and closed repeatedly like a fish, straining to make an exchange on what he was feeling, a blend of emotions kept leaping up every time he opened his mouth. Trying to stew out like a firehose and all the more made Vendi try to recoil back from the conversation entirely, wanting dearly to end it quickly before he made a fool out of himself.

The radio silence on the other end made him guilt-ridden at the endeavor being put by him, breaking down his walls only to fix them back up when Bryan was trying to reach out.

"If this is about me telling Ivy about the dinner, I didn't know it was supposed to be kept a secret."

The raspy voice was heard from the telephone, signaling he was concerned from before, recognizing Vendi's emotional state in an undefined way he doesn't know how to address. He knew Bryan acknowledged the fact he was unwell in a way that he phoned Bryan at 2 am for a question about what Bryan was wearing for a date that he was going to notify Bryan on.

"No, no it's not that Bryan... I was just... I needed.. to get my mind off of work."

The smooth voice he tried leisurely to come out how came out more tired than what he had felt, his eyes grew heavy on him so suddenly, so abruptly. It burned as he looked across the few steps he took from the computer screen, as it glaringly steamed his eyes. Walking over as relaxed as he can and shutting it off with a click of a button before, running a hand forwards into his hair. Trying to relax his nerves as he couldn't help but get more vulnerable as the clock mockingly ticks off into insanity.

"You're still working..? Vendi, it's 2:47 am." Bryan's voice almost rang out in a concerned manner, to Vendi it seemed Bryan was annoyed at him working, almost like he deserved to be shamed for working so late, nevertheless, he has been functioning like this for the past 9 years.

He didn't mean for it to slip out, that Bryan would find out he works himself to the bone, he knew he said that he works continuously, but it seemed so much more apparent and shameful that Bryan had seemingly caught him in a way. He comprehended Bryan was not aggravated at him, if anything it rang concerned and sad at the prospect but his mind continued to try to trick him into it being the other.

"I know. I just couldn't concentrate and I lost track of time." The stillness that followed had become a little too much for Vendi, something he needs is a distraction but this has been anything but a distraction for him. This was going to make him go crazy, he felt so overstimulated but yet under-stimulated at the exact time, he desired noise but every time there was sound, he felt static fill his head overwhelmingly.

"Do you need me to go, so you can sleep?" the voice had slowly rang out, Bryan was worried about him and his sleeping habits at work, something he was so focused on, he overlooked to reply, something he embarrassingly found out to be apparent when he tried to cover his tracks.

"No, no! It's perfectly fine, besides I don't want that...can. Can I convince you to stay?" he knew it was a stupid idea, he knew he was inviting something selfish, but he couldn't help but want to enunciate it out loud. He wanted them to talk more, it had been so long and he had slightly felt forgotten from Bryan's world that had him so caught up lately.

"Of course, I'll stay."

Oh. Oh.

He'll stay. He wants to stay with Vendi on the phone? Despite the circumstances, he's arrived in and how over-incompetent Vendi has been in this entire situation, he'll still stay with him? Vendi would say he's over the moon, but that would be am under exaggeration of his feelings for the instant Bryan had said he would stay.

"I'm sorry for the phone call, I didn't intend for it to be this late. I would make sure to invest something late on to make up for it." Vendi was stumbling out, seemingly wanting to seem smooth but his flustering cheeks would say otherwise.

The nervous hands clutching his phone were slipping by as he attempted to put his phone between his shoulder and cheek. Wiping his hands on his pants before grabbing the phone back up furthermore, his hands still becoming sticky as he tried to apologize.

"You're too pretty to apologize for something so small Dr." Bryan had chuckled as he waved off the apology, seemingly aware of how much Vendi was trying to sound smooth, making the CEO even more embarrassed as he was coughing and sputtering over the compliment apparently out of no-where.

"Ah! Why, thank you, you're very pretty yourself..!" the Ceo had sputtered out, his collar overly tight on his throat as he became less nervous over the phone, his eyes grew tired as he yawned a little over the phone, still aware of the other on the phone but he knew Bryan wouldn't judge him. Still felt a little ashamed over the lack of manners...

"Thank you Dr. Vendi, but I do seem to be holding up your time, goodnight Amor," the velvet and tired voiced, brunette had said, the night catching up to them as the day continues on, the clock ticked 4:12 am, both of them tired beyond reason, as per Vendi's yawn before.

"Oh, yes, of course! Good night love,"

The phone had hung up between them, a soft flattering motion felt between Vendi's sternum, his heart grew even giddier over the thought of Bryan going to sleep right after calling him, like a school girl.

He couldn't help but chuckle over the thought, his eyes however defined his wants to keep staying up, as the metaphoric pounds that kept tugging down his eyes finally fell. His mind at ease of the warmed idea of Bryan letting him take up his time, as if he was special to him.

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