jeonglix | rough

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Rough smut ❗

Jeongin woke up in the middle of the night feeling really thirsty. So he stood up and put on a black shirt, (having the habit of sleeping shirtless) and went towards the kitchen

He opened the freeze and took out a bottle of water, he took out a glass, poured the water and drank it.

Just as he was about to keep the bottle inside and leave, he heard some noises? His curiosity took over him as he walked to the room where the noises were coming from.

He saw that felix's room's room was slightly opened. He peeked inside the room, as his eyes widened.

Felix was there in his bed half necked, stroking his cock while his eyes were closed, mouth opened slightly, he was covered in sweat.

He heard the soft moans of his hyung as felix continued to stroke his length.

Jeongin was in utter shock, he knew they would have to walk up on eachother while they do it but he didn't know it would be that soon.

Just as jeongin was about to leave quietly he stopped in his tracks when he heard felix moan his name and come. "Ah~ jeongin!"

Did he just hear his hyung coming to his name? He hurriedly walked away from there and to his room.

His heart was beating so fast, he could not forget about felix, that image of felix stroking his length was stuck in his head.

"Maybe he was just coming to someone else's name and i just heard my by mistake" he told himself.

But was it really tho? I mean felix was always touchy with other members and hugging or cuddling was his thing. But he did notice felix being Extra touchy towards him lately, he just never thought much of it.

He just decided to check for himself, and observe his hyung's behaviour. Mybe he was just paranoid? He had to make sure before making a move

The next day he went to the kitchen and was greeted by felix. "Good morning innie!" He said with a smile. As soon as jeongin saw felix, the images of the yesterday's night came to his mind, his cheeks getting red.

"M-morning hyung" jeongin replied. "Are you sick innie? Why is your face so red?" Felix asked as he placed his tiny hands on jeongin's forehead.

"No hyung, I'm fine" jeongin said. "If you say so..."

Jeongin had started to observe felix's behaviour, and by far he was sure felix was acting kinda weird.

Felix would touch him, every opportunity he would get. He would fix his hair or clothes whenever he would see jeongin enter the room. He was also different with others verses him.

With others felix would always laugh, make jokes and was obviously touchy but with jeongin he was shy?, More touchy and just soft.

Jeongin also noticed that whenever felix is with jeongin, he would wear kind of... revealing clothes? Like more short shorts or skirts.

Jeongin knew felix wanted his attention and he was ready to give him the attention.

- present -

Today 3 racha went to their studio early to get some work done. Hyunjin and minho had also gone after few hours to practice some choreography. While seungmin took a day off of work to spend a day with his family. Which also meant that jeongin and felix were alone in the dorm.

Jeongin was in the couch while lazily scrolling through Twitter on his phone when suddenly he heard a door open, which caught his attention.

There he saw felix coming out of his room in a oversized white shirt with the shorts which made it look like felix wasn't wearing anything inside.
Felix was literally asking for his attention and today he decided to give him the attention that he had been wanting for days.

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