killing me softly | hyunin 1

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Jeongin had been working in his restaurant for as long as he can remember. He's 23 years old as of now and has been living alone since the age of 18. His family was not the nicest and his childhood was vivid. It would be better that way because as long as he remembers, his parents were rather strict with him. He was the middle child and it was obvious that his parents had their Favourites, but he was neither his father's favourite nor his mother's. Which, is also one of the reasons he had moved out so early.

Jeongin was quite a gifted child because he was really talented in cooking. He loved making new dishes and everyone loved his cooking skills so much, the reason he opened his own restaurant at the age of 20. His restaurant has gotten quite the hype after one famous YouTuber named felix had made a review on his channel about his restaurant. After that, customers kept on flooding his restaurant which he was quite happy with. If he had the chance, he would like to meet felix and thank him for the contribute to his restaurant.

Ever since then, he had hired a lot of employees, some of them being sunoo, jen, and atlas. They were the ones who he was the closest with. And instead of the owner-employee relationship, they had a very lovely, chaotic friendship.

Overall, jeongin was quite content with his life right now. He had a good-active restaurant, he makes good amount of money, he has friends he could count on, he has his own apartment, what else does he need?

Today too, he was at his restaurant as usual. Even though he has employees working for him but he likes to cook them himself for his customers. After his shift had ended for today it was already 10pm. Since it was winter in Seoul, it was snowing outside, not a lot though.

"Good job for today" jeongin said as he looked at all of his employees. "You guys should head home as it's already late, thank you for the hard work today" as he thanked them, his employees smiled at him and started packing up to leave.

"Aren't you leaving, hyung?" Sunoo asked as he took off his apron. Jeongin shook his head a little as he smiled a bit. "I'm gonna finish some work for a bit and then I'll head home" sunoo sighed but didn't say anything as he knew jeongin was too stubborn and he wouldn't listen to sunoo anyways.

"Alright, stay safe and go home fast" sunoo said as he picked up his bag, leaving "okay, you too, stay safe!" Jeongin chuckled as he watched sunoo disappearing in the distance. After making sure sunoo and the others were gone, he started cleaning the restaurant a bit, turning on the tv since he didn't like the silence of the restaurant.


Now, next news is coming from seoul...once again the psycho killer well known as 'the hatter', has killed a guy brutally.

The guy was found in a garbage ban with skin ripped away from the body, no eyes and tongue and with more such injuries on his body.

The man is identified as 'lee heeseung' who was in his early twenties, it is said that he was returning from a date but no one could have prepared him for the worst. May his departed soul rest in peace.

Jeongin sighed as he looked at the tv. The killer named 'the hatter' has been haunting this city for 3 month now. A lot of killing has happened in the span of 3 months and the police force and the detectives have been on a active search of the hatter, but he's very slick with his killings. He never leaves any clues, or hints or anything, not even a single hair strand is found. No matter how thoroughly the forensic department search the murder scenes but no, nothing is found.

Jeongin turned off the tv and looked at his watch, shocking himself that he'd been here for so long. It was already 11 by the time he packed up and closed the restaurant. Since his apartment is not that far, he usually walks to his apartment so he left for his home.

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