Chapter 37

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There was an Irish bar, not too far away from Doc's that Riff rarely visited. It was notorious for certain things, one of which being illegal sales. The Jets hadn't been there before, and perhaps they never would again.

    But Rose wasn't allowed to go inside with them. Whatever transaction was made, Riff didn't want her seeing it. Baby John stayed with her, though she was more protection for him than he was for her.

     Despite her knowing everything that was happening, Riff still tried to shield her. He felt like it was his duty. It was why he did all that he could. It was for Rose.

     Then she saw what he had brought back out of the bar. She shook her head and pulled him closer. They were bolder than before, not caring who said what.

     Their noses pushed together as she captured his lips passionately.

  "You're an idiot." Rose mumbled.

  She could feel his grin, hands holding her waist steady. "Only for you, Rosie."

They were boys, and there was a lot that Rose couldn't stop them doing. They were just children at heart, and it was difficult to find a way to subdue them. Most of the time, she just followed behind.

Riff, Tiger, Action and Ice ram around with the gun, as if it were a dud. They didn't seem to care that someone could get hurt. Pain was at the pack of their minds. Too many pows left their lips.

And then the Lorton boy turned on his heels, he stiffened as if he was going to attack. But it was only Tony.

"Gee whillikers, Batman. Since when d'ya carry a rod?"

"Well," Riff laughed lightly to himself, refusing to open himself up to Tony. "I don't got magic powers like you, Superman, so I got this."

Tony sauntered over, sort of afraid. His movements were sharp, but he was timid. Riff's temperament was frightening at the best of times. This was one of the worser.

"Promise to be with us tonight, I'll let you hold it." Riff tried to bargain, though his tone never changed.

Tony took one end, and sighed. "When are you gonna grow up?"

"Never, probably. Born to die-young, daddy-o."

Rose felt her heart sink at his words, and raced towards him, swiftly. Her arms wrapped around his stomach as she looked to him, fondly. "Don't say things like that." Her lips brushed his cheek, lightly, offering some sort of condolence.

"They catch you with this, it's fifteen years in Attica." Riff chuckled, he didn't care about prison. "Call it off."

"Call what off?"

"Tell Bernardo the cops found out about the rumble. Tell him a rain check."

Some of the boys never knew when to be quiet. Tiger was one of them. "Hey, why should we call it off. We got a gun."

"Shut up, Tiger." Ice hissed. "Stay out of this."

"You know, we wouldn't even need a gun if you was with us." Riff smirked. He was still trying so hard for Tony to be on their side. That was all he wanted.

Riff Lorton was a child at heart. He lived his life the same way he had done when he was seventeen. In everything he did, he sought the validation of his peers, of the people he loved and respected the most. Tony, to him, resembled that fragile child, and Riff was frightened to see it shatter.

And Rose knew this about him. Maybe she knew less than she ever let on, but she knew it all the same. Riff was just a tired soul, waiting desperately to be loved, and that was exactly what she did for him. She offered love, and a home, and the exact respected he wished for. They knew each other in a way two people rarely did.

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