🥀🌹Dinner Date🌹🥀

526 2 9

(little warning: some stuff)


Seven's Point of View

That was a lot of fun in that carnival, but I keep forgetting on that mysterious person I just saw when me and Nine are getting ready for bed. I just don't remember some stuff.

But luckily, I manage to know some things from them. That was so nice of them and for them to be my special someone. 

Hopefully, I would know everything in this world and no. I do not want to take over the world because that is mean.


"Ugghh....huh?" I woke up and saw Nine giggling.

"Morning, sleepyhead" Nine strokes my head.

"Why did you call me that?"

"Because you're still asleep, silly!"

"Oh. I guess I was still ti...ti..tir-ed... tired" I try to pronounce the word.

"Yeah...I guess you were. Listen, I actually have something I want to tell you..."

"W-What is it?" I rubbed my eyes and looks at Nine feeling a little down.

I looked at them holding a rose and giving it to me leaving them a blush.

Hopefully they aren't(isn't) mad at me...

"I was just wondering if you would...

like to out somewhere with me...you know... like a... 


A date? I don't know what that is but... I will go out with them anyways.

"S-Sure?... I don't know what that is...but of course!" I smiled as Nine hugged me.

"You're such a good brofriend to me"


"Yeah! Brofriend, special someone, same thing!"

"Oh! Haha!" I started to giggle.

Nine crouches and puts their hands in my forehead and gave it a kiss.

I guess it was a date after all. Whatever that means.

Well, let's hope this... date will turn out well

"I'll get you dressed up since you don't know how to do that yet" Nine smiled as they brought me to my room to get myself and them dressed up for the date.


--Meanwhile after that--

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