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I stare at my open office door. I could hear the ruffling of papers and the cursing of someone rushing to find something. Alana is there, much to my surprise, when I lean against the open door. I let my gun fall to my hip as I raise an eyebrow in interest. I watch her for a moment and have to retrain myself from laughing at how she hadn't noticed me.

"You finally escaped." I comment as Alana searched through my safe that was in my upstairs office. The morning sun was just starting to peak through the thick, dark, clouds.

She jumps so hard that I think her soul left her body. Her hand comes over her chest and she sucks in a deep breath. "You scared me!"

"Scared you?" I flick on the light, "I almost shot you."

She stares at the gun in my hand and sighs. "For goodness sake, I was just looking."

"It's six in the morning." I deadpan. "You're supposed to be in your room."

"Your guards are dumb and currently unconscious."

I shrug, "Not dead?"

"No." She answers.

"Then that's fine." I sit down at my desk. "So, would you like to share with the class as to why you're looking through my shit?"

"I don't trust you." Alana says honestly and I try not to take it to heart. The sound of rain starting causes us both to glance at the balcony.

My eyes watch her defensive stance, "I can see that. Where did you get the gun?"

She presents it to me and looks bummed that I noticed it. "It was on your guards."

"I told them not to bring guns around you." I say annoyed. Of course they can't listen to one fucking rule. "Well, what were you planning on doing with it?"

"I don't know." She says simply but from the look in her eyes we both know exactly what she was planning to do.

"Go ahead, shoot me." I challenge her.


I smile, "I haven't been shot in a long time, so go ahead."

"I wasn't going to shoot you without knowing for sure that-"

"That I didn't kill your sister? Which you already know? So what is it really?" I walk towards her. "Kill the innocent."

"You're not innocent in any way."

"Thank you." I mutter. "You're right, I'm not, but I did not cause your sister's death."

"If that's true, tell me who did."

"I can't. Not now, anyways." I reiterate.

Alana notices how close we are and she stumbles back. "Don't come any closer."

I smirk, "You're going back to your room."

"No, definitely not." She says before turning and running for the balcony. She yanks the door open before rushing to the railing and looking down.

I walk out of the room, my hands slipping into my pockets, and an interested smile raised to my lips. "Were you planning on jumping off the balcony? It's quite a fall."

"Better than being here with you."  Alana spits angrily as she turns to me and lunges.

The gun slams across my jaw and I push her backwards and out of her grip. I grip her hand and spin her around so that I'm in control. The pain in my jaw drives me to push her against the balcony. The gun clatters from her hand and she huffs out in pain.

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