Chapter Five

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The maids got me some breakfast that Mr Kim was supposed to eat but just left. Maybe he felt uncomfortable that I was there? I don't know. But what I know is that the food was delicious.

I thanked the maids and helped them clean up the kitchen. Tina, One of the maids who looked a bit old was the one responsible for training me.

Apparently, my role is not just being a maid here but it's more of a default one? Honestly I didn't understand why? But I just nodded .

She started telling me Mr Kim's routine. It's not  that hard at all. He wakes up at 8, takes a shower and then have breakfast. Park Jimin comes and takes him to the school which I am really curious about. But I am more curious about the upper floors. Tina told me that I will be allowed up there when I get more training which is a bit strange to me.
So today I will be only allowed in this floor. So I will help in the kitchen and other rooms if needed. And starting from tomorrow I will help in Mr Kim's routine.

I asked her when I will be allowed to go to other floors rather than just the kitchen and Mr Kim's room. She told me that I will know when it's time.

All of the maids and workers here wear a uniform. Not the cliche maid one but black pants and a white t-shirt that has the letters K.TH on them. They look like a store uniform more than a house workers.
She got me one my size and I changed into them. Most of the maids live here . Only me and a few other girls come in the morning and leave at night .

I started my first task which was wiping the dust off every little display . There are a lot of paintings and status to take care of. Although there is not that much dust as the maids keep them clean everyday. I noticed that there was not a single picture of Me Kim young or older. None. Maybe he had no picture to display or didn't like having them ruining his style.
I kept wondering how old is he? When was he born to be that wealthy ?

Somwthingbi noticed the most is that there is not much modern devices around the mansion. No TV screens or cctvs. Even for the maids, there is no electric vacuum, washing machines or microwaves. Even tho his style is quite modern and not vintage at all. I am sure he uses a smart phone as I saw Jimin this morning.

" Idaria? Can you come help the girls with the drying outside?" Tina said and I quickly followed her. She took me right behind the kitchen windows. There was an area that had tall fences around it to separate the back yard from the working girls. It's where tasks that can't be done inside are. there were some girls washing clothes and sheets. I went to help the other girls who were hanging the white sheets to dry.

" Good job, go back inside " Tina said.
I nodded but looked behind where a girl looked like she was having a hard time washing a sheet.
I went closer to help her and saw blood stains on the sheets she was washing. I looked to the girl beside her and saw blood stains on a white t-shirt. I gasped and Tina quickly pulled me inside.

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