Sloth & Greed's Grudge

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Corresponds to the Servamp: The Alternative Course AU

Summary: After meeting Licht and Hyde, Mahiru wants answers, while Kuro wants more than ever to keep some things from his eve...



No response.


Still nothing.

Mahiru grabbed the newspaper Kuro was holding.

"Oi... Mahiru..."

"This isn't even the right star sign," Mahiru remarked. He frowned as he skimmed over the page Kuro had been reading. He observed, "This is the horoscope for cancer, and I know you're a capricorn."

"Isn't your star sign cancer...?"

"Why would you be looking up my star sign instead of- never mind." Mahiru set the newspaper aside and stated, "You're avoiding me."

Kuro started and stared at the ground.

"You promised we'd talk after we got home," Mahiru continued sternly. "Then you pushed it to at dinner. Then it was after dinner."


"Are you gonna explain what that was all about or are you gonna push it to talking tomorrow instead?"

"...can I explain tomorrow?"


"Okay okay jeez... you're too loud..."

Still, Kuro remained silent as Mahiru stared at him. The servamp traced circles on the floor, refusing to lift his gaze to Mahiru's.

"Kuro." Mahiru sat down opposite Kuro. He reassured, "I can tell Lawless doesn't like you, and I don't believe you're cruel or heartless or anything he said. I just... wanna know. I wanna know why you're so resistant to letting us work with the others. They're being targeted just like we are, surely we can help each other out."

"It's not..." Kuro sighed and mumbled, "It's really not that simple."


"Explaining is such a pain..."

Mahiru said nothing.

"Fine." Kuro shrugged and stated, "They've made their choice. Me and Lawless just can't work together."

That doesn't explain why you wouldn't let Misono train me... way before we met Lawless... Mahiru decided to focus on one thing at a time- it was simpler that way. He returned, "Again you and Lawless have differences, but if Tsubaki's targeting you both-"

"No," Kuro interrupted, frowning. "Lawless will never work with me, or if he will he'll be too troublesome for me to deal with. The only thing we'd agree on is we would rather die."

"Isn't he your little brother?"

"...broken minds don't care about that. And we fall under that category. Lawless is beyond saving."

Mahiru stared at Kuro, a searching gaze the servamp refused to meet. The eve was waiting for Kuro to elaborate, but there was only silence.

"I... don't believe anyone is beyond saving," Mahiru enunciated slowly.

"I don't think you understand how insane Lawless has gone."

"Then make me understand. Give me an example of what he's done."

More silence.

"You know the violent angel?"

"Licht-san?" Mahiru waited for Kuro's nod before asking, "What about him?"

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