Partner: tack-on

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Tack-on for the previous oneshot!

Summary: Basically the encounter Kuro described to Mahiru


Kuro was taking the can from the vending machine when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

He turned to see 2 girls standing behind him.

"...can I help you?"

"Yeah!" one of them exclaimed, holding her phone to him. "Could... could I have your number?"


Kuro didn't want to deal with this.

Why would they ask anyway? He'd never even seen these girls before, though the uniform meant they were Mahiru's schoolmates- what made them think he'd see them again? Maybe they thought he was a student here too... certainly didn't help that he was carrying Mahiru's bag...

"Sorry, not interested," Kuro returned bluntly, turning away.

That wasn't enough.

The girl who had asked introduced, "My nane's Ayumi. What do you think of my name?"

Kuro only grunted.

Her friend elbowed her and whispered, "What are you doing? Dude already said he's not interested! You're gonna regret this if he's who I think he is!"

...who do they think I am?

Ayumi ignored her friend and leaned closer, asking, "Are you sure I couldn't convince you to exchange numbers? We could just talk for a while before deciding what we wanna do~"

Kuro leaned away. "I don't have a phone," he lied.

Both girls laughed, though Ayumi's friend was quieter.

"Yeah right," Ayumi retorted. She put a hand on Kuro's arm, causing him to draw back and hiss. "Who on Earth doesn't have a phone by high school?"

"For fuck's sake, leave him alone," her friend reprimanded. "He's really not interested if he's telling such obvious lies as "I don't have a phone"."

Hopeful that both of them combined could convince Ayumi to leave him alone at least until he had to pick up Mahiru, Kuro put on the worst scowl he could manage and began walking back to Mahiru's classroom.

Ayumi was more tenacious than he'd thought because she followed Kuro and asked, "What class are you in? Maybe I could... drop by?"

Her friend grabbed her arm and whispered, "Ayumi cut it out!"

"I don't go to school here. I doubt we'll ever talk again so drop it."

"See?! Now-"

"At least tell me your name handsome?"



"Come on! It's just a name."

"...will you leave me alone if I tell you?"

Ayumi heemed and hawed for a bit before replying, "We'll see..."

Not a promise, but worth a shot.

Kuro sighed and muttered, "It's Kuro."

This changed everything.

Ayumi started and exclaimed, "W- wait, you're Kuro?!"

Her friend nudged her and hissed, "Dummy! I told you!!"


Kuro had done everything to give off the "leave me alone" vibe, yet his name was what had worked?

Servamp OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora