Yo who the fuck is Simon?

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A/N: hey guys so sorry I didn't show Blake and Rafe having sex it's just I'm a virgin myself and I have 0 idea how that would happen in water! thanks for understanding, but I genuinely think that they're so cute. K enjoy!

We all got out of the car as the sun had almost but just not yet set. A weird time in the day If you ask me. People had already begun to show up as the kegs were already set up. All the tourons had gotten there as usual and all the pogues had already taken their prey for the night. We got out of the car and JJ spotted his perfect match until 3am.

"I'll catch you guys later?" He said not even turning around as he went off towards the blonde girl in a too dressy outfit. Especially for the party she was about to endure. John B walked off when he saw a brunette girl across the way. I just wish he would handle his problems in other ways then fucking a different girl every night. Kie made a joke the other night that if he keeps it up he'll be the Big John around here and he didn't speak to her for 2 days. Seems like a short time but it's more like 2 years to us.

Pope was the last guy to leave us to the sharks. Touron guys were the worst guys to be around. Mostly talked about themselves. But touron girls get attached easily and want to make lifelong friends in the span of a week. Me and Kie were talking when a group of tourons migrated over to our circle. We had been talking for a while when I looked over and saw Topper step out the passenger side of the truck while Kelce and some other dudes hopped out the back. Rafe turned the car off and stepped out scanning the area.

He had black sunglasses on and his hair was wilder than usual. His blue polo was unbuttoned and he wore light pink shorts. My lord.

The topic of conversation was boring me at the moment as my eyes followed to where Rafe was standing talking to all of his friends. Topper handed him a beer bottle while I tried to dissect their conversation. Rafe threw his head back in laughter as the entire group erupted into joy. I wanted to know so badly what was said.

"Blake?" Kie snapped me back into reality

I blinked a few times adjusting my contacts to my sudden eye movement

"Sorry guys" I said laughing it off and rubbing my head "I zoned out. What were we talking about?"

"Cassidy" Kie pointed to the girl across from me in the circle we had formed "She said she loved your moms looks at Paris fashion week"

"Oh!" I turned my attention towards the smiling girl.

She was a little taller than me but not by too much where I had to look up to her. She was wearing regular jean shorts and a flowy top I had seen in the windows of American Eagle. Her dirty blond hair was thrown into a messy bun and she looked like she had been baking in the tanning bed for far too long.

"She'll be happy to hear some people still find her relevant" I said smiling

"Relevant!?" the girl's face turned to shock "She's the biggest wedding designer in the business. Her legacy will never die."

"So I've heard" I'm getting more and more bored by the second

"So have you met anyone famous?"

"Mhm" Kie chimed in pulling away from her beer bottle "one time she was on a business trip with her mom and Ian Somerhalder said she was beautiful"

"Oh my God" another girl started "Your mother knows Ian Somerhalder, ugh I would melt"

"Yea haha she did Nikki's dress" I turned away awkwardly "Hey, I'm gonna get another drink. I'll be back"

I shook my head walking to the table with all the drinks when I felt a hand move to my back. I jumped away clutching my heart when I realized who it was.

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