Fuck Starbucks. And fuck you too.

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a/n: BACK THE FUCK AWAY FROM OUR MAN BLAKE WAS VALID AS FUCK. ya that just spoiled a little bit of the chapter but you're about to read it anyways so my b but not my b, ya know. also thanks for coming back and reading, it means more than you'll know! 

I woke up to the sun shining on me as I opened my eyes fully and looked around. I laid back down when I realized where I was, I shot back up scrambling for my phone. The time was 8:00 and my battery was almost out.

"Rafe!" I said nudging him, He groaned and rolled over to the other side

"Rafe!' I said hitting his arm

"Ow what" he rasped

"Come on, you have to take me home" I said, jumping up to slide down the back. I ran to the side of the car and checked my phone for any notifications, dead. Of course. I rolled my eyes opening the door and getting in as I finally heard Rafe closing the back tail.

I pulled down the passenger mirror above the seat when I saw what not wearing makeup during sex could do to a person. I actually looked fine, besides my hair and everything.

Rafe opened the door to his side of the car as I was retying my hair back to be neater. He started the car as I pushed the button to turn the radio on

"Ugh, I hate the radio" I said flipping through channels trying to find something bearable

"I don't know how you're awake right now" He said rubbing his eyes trying to focus on the road

"Rafe, it's like 8 AM"

"Oooh coffee" he said already taking the detour

"Rafe! What are you doing!?"
"You worry too much" he said pulling into Starbucks

"Are you trying to get me killed?"
"Blake I've met your parents a million times, you'll be fine" he said pulling up to the window

"Hey! Welcome to Starbucks, what can I get you guys?" I heard the girl on the other side

"Um can I just have a black coffee and..." he looked over to me

"A sweet cream cold-brew with 3 pumps of white mocha" I said simply

"Ya I'm not sayin that" he said looking at me lost


I heard the girl giggling from the speaker as she awaited for my order

He turned back to the window

"And um a cold-brew with..." he said turning back to me

"Oh my God move over" I said sitting up and leaning over him

"Can I just have a grande sweet cream cold-brew with 3 pumps of white mocha"

"Ya sure is that all?"

"Ya thanks" I sat back down looking at him as he pulled up

"Was it that hard?"

"That's what she said" he said replying not looking at me

We rolled up to the window as I recognized the girl as one of the sophomores that was on the student board. I shrunk In my seat as Rafe looked at me with a confused face.

"What are you-?"

"Just go with it" I said, reaching to the back and pulling a sweatshirt over my head. Big mistake, definitely something he wore after practice.

"That'll be $7.35" the girl said peeking over at me

Rafe pulled his wallet from the compartment under the arm rest and handed her his card

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