is she a swiftie? no she's a cancer.

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a/n: ya'll he's an idiot, but hey I wrote him this way! ugh don't we love men written by women I wish all men would act like this tbh. but no they have to be regular fucking teenage boys, god i hate boys. but anyways thanks for reading again, and this chap is a filler so it's rlly boring but still read yasss!

Rafe's POV:

Fuck I don't know why I did that. That girl did have pretty big boobs but it was ridiculous for Blake to think that I would choose that over her. I don't know what I was thinking flirting with her, I just wanted to see how Blake would react, and ya I guess that was wrong.

I walked into my house to find Wheezie reading on the couch, I walked in the living room sitting down next to her putting my feet up on the table

"Where have you been?" she said looking up from her book

"I've been everywhere but I can't name a single place for you" I said shrugging "Hey can I ask you a question"

"Shoot" She said putting her bookmark in her book

"Ok so I've been talking to this girl-"
"Oooh who" she said smiling

"I can't say, anyway. We were getting coffee and I was just being nice to the girl taking our order and she accused me of flirting with her and now she's mad at me"

"Were you flirting with her?"

"Define flirting"

"You need to apologize" she said matter of factly

"Why should I, it's not like I was doing it intentionally"

"Rafe, if you really like her then you should apologize, if you hurt her feelings you need to fix it"

"Well she told me she was ignoring me so I don't think she'll talk to me"

"Is she a swiftie?"

"Mh no she's a cancer"

"You're gonna have to beg." she said confirming herself

"When do you think I should go over there?"

"Give her a few hours, to calm down" Wheezie said opening her book back up

"Wow thanks Wheeze, for being someone with no relationship experience you give good advice!"

"Fuck off Rafe"

I was walking upstairs taking my phone out of my pocket when I realized Wheezie said to give it a couple of hours, I shoved it back in my pocket and headed towards my room to take a shower.

I stood in front of the shower as the water ran and texted Kelce

"course today?"

"what time?"


Kelce liked the message as I stepped into the shower

As I felt the water run down my face as much as I wanted to think about how I was going to apologize all I could think about was Blake's mouth on my dick last night. I groaned, throwing my head back.

"Ugh fuck it" my hand met the tip of my cock as I ran through the vision of Blake's mouth sliding as my hand went the same pace

"Shit" I grunted as my hand went faster and faster as I came closer to finishing. I leaned my head back trying to encourage my imagination as my hand repeated the sliding motion over and over.

I finished as I let out one final grunt. I watched as the white filling slid down my leg and down the drain. I then started washing my body thinking of what I would have to include in this apology of mine.

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