Get Baptized Bitch

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a/n: hey guys, i'm sorry for disappearing, my b don't worry mommy's home. ANYWAYS, IM BACK BITCHES WHAT THE FUCK IS UP. so ya OK WAIT I JUST REALIZED THIS CHAPTER IS CUTE AND HAS SMUT. so fair warning there is some pornographic reading material in this bitch, and once again do not make any complaints about my smut writing because I told you this once and I'll tell you again, I HAVEN'T DONE SHIT IN REAL LIEFE. so don't think i'm an expert I'm quite the opposite. Ok this author's note is getting pretty long, so thanks for reading this and coming back ily so much! 

Blake's POV~~

I got out of my car dragging my feet to the door of John B's house, the house he kicked me out of only a few hours ago. I wanted to give this situation a day or two but my friends just can't wait can they.

I opened the door letting myself in and seeing the place an absolute mess, wow I am just so impactful.

Kie greeted me at the door "Where have you been? John B is a mess, he's talking about how you're a traitor and disrespectful"
"Oh hell nah" I said marching through the house "John B Routledge come out of fuckin hiding im not playing with your ass"

I went through each room, even the outside screened in porch but no John B

"Get your coward ass out here" I yelled

No way he was gonna shit on me to OUR friends, fuck no.

I looked outside to see him sitting on the dock, he's such a fucking pisces stop wailing you pussy. I walked outside reaching the end of the dock, the entire time he didn't even turn around to look at me.

"Are we going to work this out or not?" I said to his back, but he wouldn't listen. "No way I drove all the way over here to not get a fuckin word out of you" still no response.

I took both of my hands pushing him off the side of the dock

"What the fuck Blake?!" he said flailing stay afloat in the water

"Get baptized BITCH" I said standing over him as he lifted himself up on the wooden planks

"What the actual fuck Blake?"

"How else are we going to talk if you act like a fucking pussy and trash your house then refuse to work anything out"
"There's nothing more to say."

"There's so much more to say, what are you talking about!?"

"Then say it because I've said my piece"
"John B I am not required to be in love with you, I'm not even required to be friends with you. I'm here because I care about you, and yes I might be subconsciously flirty and I'm sorry if I ever made you think that I was into you but I see you only as a brother. And tearing our friend group apart and calling me names isn't going to get rid of me because we're family" tears started forming in my eyes "And I want everything to go back to the way it was"

"Don't cry now" he said, enveloping me in a hug, and I didn't even care he was soaking wet! I just let him hug me.

"You're horrible John B"

"I know"

I stopped crying after a second and we both sat down on the dock just talking about life

"Blake I need to know this mystery man, I've been thinking about it all day"
"I'm sorry my lips are sealed" I said doing the motion of locking my lips

"We used to tell each other everything" she said pouting

"This could ruin quite a few things actually so, no"
"Evil woman" he said shaking his head
"Boundaries" I said thinking about what Rafe said earlier

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