Missing Person Report

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A/N: hey this is kinda a short chapter so sorry but it's kind of a filler and I don't rlly like writing fillers because I love drama! So thanks for coming back to read and shoutout to my best friend ASHLEY!!!! been here since day ONE

I rolled into my driveway, getting out the car and slamming the door closed. I punched in the code to the door and when I walked in I saw my parents sitting down on the couch. Great, they came back early.

"Hey Blake!" My mom said standing up and rushing over to hug me

"Mom!" I said in a fake excited voice "You're here early?"

"Ugh yes we just wanted to see our baby's so bad so we decided to hop on the next flight and come on home" she said with a wide smile

"Hey sweetheart" My dad said coming over to kiss me on the cheek

"You guys weren't supposed to be home until midsommar"

"Don't sound so happy" My dad said laughing patting me on the shoulder

"By the way, have you seen your sister?" my mom said

"Um no"

"You were supposed to be spending time with her" I heard her voice get more aggressive

"I was out hanging with my friends" I said getting defensive
"Dylan isn't here? I thought she would be with you"

"Well, have you tried calling her?"

"Her phones on the dinner table" the room was silent for a moment

"Mom I'm sure she's just out hangin with friends, this island isn't that big"

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, your sister is lost" My mom said starting to pace the room

"Go find your sister before your mum has a heart attack, please" he whispered to me before chasing after my mom

"We have to call the police and file a missing persons report" I heard mom yell from across the house

"Love just calm down I'm sure everything is going to end up just fine" I heard my dad slightly quieter

As much as I wanted to go upstairs and change out of my swimsuit and shorts I walked right out the front door and turned on my car to go find my sister. You know I had a really exciting rest of my day planned. I was going to take a shower, do my skincare, facemask, watch a movie, but no. of course Dylan had to screw it all up. I guess it's not her fault that she's prone to being an idiot.


The first place I thought to look was the park where she likes to paint, but when I got out to look around she was nowhere to be found. I walked around the playground, peered at every bench and no Dylan. So then I started driving towards the bookstore I always take her to and I realized there was no way she would walk all the way here from our house. She's way too lazy. Then I thought of the ice cream parlor.

I parked in the lot across the street and when I got out I saw a curly headed girl sitting on the bench outside with a boy. I ran across the street, absolutely steaming.

"Dylan, what are you doing here!?"
"Oh hey Blake" she said nonchalantly licking her ice cream

"Oh hey Blake?" I mocked her "Mom is hysterical right now. She's calling the cops to come find you. Why didn't you tell me you were leaving home?"

"Sorry didn't think I had to give you a play-by-play on what I do" she said rolling her eyes

"Well news flash when mom and dad aren't home you do!"

"Why do you even care so much, I bet you wouldn't have even noticed I was gone if mom and dad hadn't come home early"

"Ok I spent some time with my friends but we legit just hung out-"

"Ya once this entire week! You've left me at home every day while you get to be out partying with your friends. So sorry if I want to have some fun too"
"Well I'm sorry you don't invite friends over to our house"

"I'm sorry you're such a bitch"

"A bitch who can drive, I will leave your ass here"
"You've cracked the code Sherlock, that's exactly what I want you to do!"

"Maybe I should go..." The boy said standing up

"No stay Chase, she'll be gone in a second" she said to me through gritted teeth

"No Chase maybe you should leave, Dylan has to get home to her mommy and daddy" I said pulling her arm

"Let go of me you freak"
"That's. My. WORD!" I said pulling her across the street to the car.

She got in the passenger seat slamming the door behind her.

"Don't slam my door" I snapped at her

"I'll slam whatever I want" she said rolling her eyes

We drove in silence until I started feeling bad about not hanging out with her and such

"I'm sorry I didn't hang out with you" I murmured

"It's fine" she breathed

"Look, I'm trying to make peace here, the least you could do is say sorry for calling me a bitch"
"Well, I'm sorry for calling you a bitch. I don't know, maybe I meant you were a cunt"

"Dylan!" I said trying not to laugh

"What?" she said giggling

And then I knew everything was ok

We got home and both got in a lot of trouble, but hey no regrets.

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