Little Golf Course Accident

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a/n: I feel like if you've seen OBX a million times you'll know what this chap is about and honestly the worst part about the scene was that Rafe looked good doing it! but I can't say that so pretend like I whispered that to you guys or something. ANYWAYS, I hope you enjoy the chap and thanks sm for coming back <333

"Hey girl" Sarah said as I got in the passenger seat to sit down

"Hey" I said buckling my seat belt as Sarah moved out of my driveway

"So what's been up? I feel like we haven't talked about you recently at all, I'm sorry" she said looking at me with apologetic eyes

"You know I don't like talking about myself that much" I said rolling my eyes "I patched things up with John B"

"I'm so glad, you guys are good friends right?" she said with more emphasis on the word friends than others

"Ya totally, he's like a brother to me"

"Do you think he's over you?" she asked prying on the subject more

"I mean I hope so, because even if he's not it's never going to happen" I said laughing, I looked over at Sarah who looked like she was in deep thought over something "You don't have a crush on him or anything do you?" I said laughing a little at the fact

"What? NO" she said shaking her head "I'm totally into Topper" she said nodding now

"No you're not" I said blankly, she looked to me with a confused face "Sarah you're my best friend, you never talk about him unless I force it out of you, you ignore his texts most of the time, and you've never been on an actual date" I said listing all of the explanations while she rolled her eyes

"I might not be as vocal but there could be something there" she said shrugging

"Or you could be leading him on because you love how much he's obsessed with you" I said raving, as she laughed knowing it was true

"Sometimes it's like he's too obsessed with me I don't know"

"You don't have to like him back just because he's Topper Thornton" I said making a point

"Ya I know, anyways did you see what Jenna was wearing at the last party?" she said laughing

"I actually didn't" I said looking at her

"The tiniest shorts I have ever seen and this bathing suit top that barely fit her boobs"

"I hate when girls do that and like their outer boob is sticking out the sides" I said shaking my head in disgust

"I got a pic, go ahead and tweet about it" she said laughing more

"I was thinking about deleting OBchiX actually" I said introducing the idea

"What? Why?" she said looking at me like I was crazy

"I just think it's a little childish and c'mon we barely use it anyways"

"This is the foundation of our friendship, can we keep it until the end of senior year at least"

"We can make fun of people without putting them on blast, I just feel like why do it anymore"

"Blake, the blast you sent out at the beginning of the summer promised your spot as the student council president, I tricked everyone into thinking my ass got bigger, there's so many opportunities we'd pass up if we got rid of it so soon" she said pleading

"I just don't get why we have to put other people down while doing it" I said throwing my head back

"How about we talk about this later and in the meantime go try on some really cute dresses?" she said as she pulled into the parking spot

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