Douchiest Douche Bag

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a/n: hey whorebags! i genuinely have nothing to say AGAIN, guys update on my little rant the other day about knowing your worth and not letting someone use you, ya sorry guys we are actually talking again! It's probably not going to last but ya know, IM A MUNCH. ok thanks sm for reading i love ya!

I got out of the car in front of John B's house and I could see them all chilling out on the boat, probably waiting for me.

"Hey guys!" I said running towards them

They all sat up from their laying positions as I stopped in front of the boat

"Sorry I'm late" I said handing over the bags and beer

"What's new" Pope said

"Hey I'm the one that got your fucking beef stick, you're gonna have such high cholesterol by the way I checked the nutritional facts" I said climbing aboard

"Where are the fuckin cigarettes?" JJ said taking the bottom of the bag and turning it up, with a bewildered face

I rolled my eyes pulling it from my back pocket and handing it over to him

"Fuck yes, I just ran out" he said scrambling to open the pack

"What are you a nic fein?" Kie said

"Look Kie we can't all be granola almond people like you" JJ said blowing smoke into her face

"I'm not the one with black lungs"

"Eh I don't wanna live that long anyways" JJ said jumping up to the wheel

"Hey John B" I said walking across the boat to sit by him

I had a beer in my hand holding it out for him

"Hey Blake" he said taking it and cracking it open

The boat started moving as Pope turned on Where'd All the Time Go by Dr. Dog.


We made it to the middle of the lake

"This is good" John B yelled to JJ, JJ stopped the engine and John B and Pope moved to the edge to let down the anchor

"You know these are actually so bad for you" I said gesturing to our drinks

"Wait what?"

"Ya they like speed up your heart and you can have heart attacks or something" I said shrugging and taking another sip

"That's too bad" She said finished off the rest of hers

The guys jumped into the water flipping off the sides of the boat.

"YAAHOOOO" JJ jumped off the side

I ran to the side watching him come up with a wide smile "What are you guys waiting for?" he yelled to Kie and I

I looked back at her with a smile as I pulled my shirt off my head and let my jean shorts pool around my ankles. I stood up to the rim on the boat balancing on the side when I did a backflip into the water.

I heard yelling from above the water. I stayed down for a second, opening my eyes and looking around. The water was blue with tints of green and you could barely see anything but being close enough to the surface I could see the legs of my friends treading water.

Everything's quieter under the water, I went back up for water as I saw Kie above me with a worried expression

"Blake please never do that again, you were so close to hitting your head" she said holding her heart "I thought you weren't gonna come up for a sec"

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