A Rlly Good Bird Call

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a/n: i'm sorry ya'll they're so cute, also you guys may be wondering why I just said ya'll. YA GUYS I'M COMING OUT AS A COUNTRY GIRlL. I do in fact live in the south!!! pls don't let this change the way you guys see me. NAH. but thanks for coming back to read and listen to me rant at the beginning of each chapter, I love you so much enjoy the chap!

We were getting ready in the bathroom with the music playing. The song, The Color Violet was on.

"I think Rafe actually likes you" she said laughing while curling her eyelashes in the mirror

"Why do you say that?" I asked holding my hand out to use it as well.She placed it in my hand reaching over me for the mascara.

"Why? Do you want him to?"

"I mean I don't think I would really mind" I said shrugging not looking at her


"I think he's hot and he's so much more mature than last summer"

"Are we talking about the same Rafe?"

"Your brother?"

"Exactly my brother, which means you're supposed to despise him"

"Well, I just don't as much as I used to" I said, shrugging

"Who are you?" She asked turning towards me


"Where's the Blake that would rather die than be around Rafe for more than an hour?"

"I don't know Sarah but honestly people grow" I said getting a little annoyed

"What are you even saying?"

"I'm saying yes, I think I would be a little into the idea of your brother liking me" I said finally snapping

"Then I hope you're also into the idea of not having a best friend"

"Why do you always do that?"

"Make everything about you? You turned this entire conversation into you completely blocking me out of your life because I said your brother was attractive."

"You basically just said you were into my brother and you want me to just stand here and let it happen?"

"Yes Sarah! That's exactly what I want you to do because you don't control me"

"How odd you sound just like Rafe" she said crossing her arms

"Or maybe he was right all along"

"I can't believe you right now" She said leaving my bathroom

"Sarah wait-" I followed her into my room as I saw her getting her stuff "Where are you going?"

"Home, I'd rather get caught then have to come back here and be with you"
"You're gonna have to drive to the party alone and no way I'm letting you drive home if you're wasted" I said leaning on the door frame

"You don't control me Blake" She said standing up with her bag "Move, please"

I rolled my eyes moving away from the door as she walked past me and down my stairs. I eventually heard my door close and I flopped on my bed rubbing my face. I'm right, she did make everything about her, but that doesn't make what I was saying okay. I don't even know what to do tonight.


I was all dressed and ready.

I was wearing a blue crop top that you could argue was a sports bra with black jean shorts with my ass basically out. My hair was down, and I was wearing my regular white converse.

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