Chapter 15, I see you.

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(The song Loki serenades Sorcha with is called "Two, by Sleeping At Last

If you want to listen to it, you can find it here:

True to his word, Loki spent the next day pampering himself, which consisted of a visit to his hair stylist, a manicure, and from the large amount of bags and boxes he brought home, an unholy amount of retail therapy.
"Darling, I'm home!" his voice rang exuberantly through the hold, his now slightly shorter but fully black again hair tousled and his cheeks red from the cold wind following him through the open doors despite it being summer.
"Take, these, and these, and those," he said as he piled my arms full and kissed me simultaneously.
"Did you have fun?" I couldn't help but smile at the change in his mood.
He closed the doors behind him. "Oh, yes, I did!
And I got you a surprise too! But it will not be ready until later, it is still at the tailor's."
"For me to wear, or for you to wear for me?" I asked curiously.
"The latter," he winked with a cheeky grin. "You'll love it, trust me!"
Loki took the packages out of my arms and I watched him as he jauntily sauntered toward the bedroom.
I smiled. I'd never stop admiring his ability to stay cheerful no matter what hardships life threw his way.

The thingymajig for the portals arrived a few days later, and Loki and Carter spent every waking moment trying to get the teleporting devices to work.
It dawned on me that the reason why Loki was working so hard on them was to distract himself from everything else that was going on.
Beaumont still hadn't contacted Loki, which I knew was worrying him almost as much as the thought of what he would do if Beaumont did contact him.
I decided to plan a little surprise for him of my own.

"Where are you leading me to, Sorcha? It has been a long day! Certainly, you'd rather snuggle up in a chair and watch a movie together rather than drag me off into the training room?" Loki complained as I pulled him down into the hallway that lead to the armoury and training area.
I said nothing, trying to hide a grin as I lead him into the dark room.
With a flick of my fingers, I summoned a small flame that travelled through the room, lighting up the candles that were spread throughout the space one by one, bathing the petal-strewn floor of the training area in soft light.
Loki looked around him, his eyes soft as an astonished smile played around his lips.
"What is all this? Did you do this?"
"I know life has been crazy and you probably won't have remembered," I said shyly, "but a year ago on this day, you proposed to me."
"Is that already a year ago? My, how time flies," Loki's eyes twinkled into mine. "And this is something you find worth celebrating?"
"Stop teasing me," I laughed as I blushed at the same time. "Yes, I find that worth celebrating!"
"I wasn't aware that was an anniversary we were supposed to mark," Loki admitted, "But it is incredibly endearing that you think we should."
I looked at him, not sure if he was making fun of me. But he just smiled his sweetest smile.
"I would have worn the dress too, but it got ruined in the rain that night," I confessed.
"Isn't it a marvellous coincidence then that you are married to a god who just so happens to be insistent on making all your dreams come true?"
Loki's eyes lit green and suddenly I was dressed in the vintage emerald green taffeta and tule dress I had worn on the night Loki had proposed, and he was dressed in his black tuxedo with the dark green cummerbund.
He held out his hand as Frank Sinatra's "Call me Irresponsible" began to play.
I smiled up at Loki as he took me in his arms, and followed him as he lead me around the makeshift dancefloor. His voice was warm and sweet as he softly began to sing along.
"That night I thought there was no possible way I could ever love you more than I did during that dance," Loki confessed as he dipped me down.
"Never could I have begun to guess how wrong I was. I love you more and more with each day that I have the privilege of spending by your side."
Our eyes met, and I felt myself drown in those wonderful, impossibly blue eyes in that beautiful face I held so dear.
"And never could I have imagined that you would love me and stand by me no matter what mistakes I would make or what terrible things I were to confess to.
My sun, my moon, my stars, my universe... always and forever my guiding light in the dark."
We continued dancing even after the music ended, neither of us willing to be the first to leave the other's arms.
Finally, Loki stopped dancing and pulled me closer, his lips tenderly brushing against mine.
"You are the sweetest person I've ever met and I have no idea what I ever did to deserve you. Thank you for remembering today.
How about we continue this elsewhere?"

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