The lodger

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"Jesus look at those bruises"
"No wonder he looked in pain,"
"Doc shouldn't he have come round by now?"
Jimins eyes fluttered open, he found himself laying on a sofa a doctor checking his pulse his shirt undone and Jungkook and Namjoon staring down at him.
He went to sit up only to be stopped by the doctor.
"Jimin how did you get these bruises and cracked rib?"
"It's cracked...., oh"
Jimin stared down not wanting to say anything.
"You know this is assault don't you?"
"I-it's ok I can handle it,"
"No you can't . Your not eating properly or sleeping well by the looks of it , what if that person goes too far one day?"
"I just have to save enough for a deposit then I can leave."
"Was this the stepfather you told me about?" Jungkook suddenly said looking angry.
Jimin nodded.
"You can't stay there then!!"
"I have nowhere else to go."
The doctor gave him painkillers," it will take time so please stay away from him and no work!"
"But I have to! It's here or home......"
"You can stay in the room above my studio,"
Jimin turned to the artist who had made the offer.
"I have an empty flat above my studio, it's furnished no one uses it, only friends now and then"
"How much?"
"Just buy your food and keep it clean, I don't need the money,"
"But you don't know me!"
"You look trustworthy,"
Jimin frowned," if we can agree on me paying towards heating and maintenance then yer."
"Sure whatever," Jungkook said dismissing it," let's go get your things."
Before Jimin knew what was happening he was driven in Namjoons car to his house.
He left the two in the car as he went inside but they soon came rushing in when they heard an angry voice .
Jimin was held against the wall by his throat by a bloated drunken man.
"I know you have money where is it!"
The two men pulled him off Jimin who gasped for breath.
"Who the fuck are you in my house? Is this little faggot prostituting himself..., well you should pay me I'll let you have him."
"Your stepson is moving out and if you dare touch him again we will call the police."
"Moving out? He can't , I need his money...!"
"Jimin where is your room we will help you pack."
Jimin showed them upstairs to the small room he had. Jungkook saw a suitcase on top of the wardrobe and pulled it down, emptying the drawers of the minimal clothes in there, he opened the wardrobe pulling out the sparse items of clothing.
Namjoon found a rucksack and asked Jimin what he wanted in there, apart from a spare set of trainers there were two photos of him and his mum and one of his father holding him as a baby shortly before he died.
His stepfather stood in the doorway," don't think your coming back, I'll rent out this room!" He blustered
"Anything else Jimin?"
Jimin looked around," oh....!" He went to push the small cupboard out the way but Jungkook did it for him. Lifting the floorboard up he pulled the tin out opening it to check.
"You brat I knew you had money, lying to me all this time!"
He tried to grab it off Jimin but a furious Jungkook blocked his path.
"Keep your filthy hands off him, your lucky he hasn't called the police but one more word and I will and we will show them the bruises and the cracked rib you gave him!"
He turned letting Jimin walk past while he and Namjoon carried Jimins stuff Jimin holding onto his precious tin.
Jimin got into the car in a daze, he was leaving, actually getting out of there. He sat quietly in the car as Namjoon drove, they turned onto a drive , a house stood there all on one level, modern looking further along stood a two level building.
"Here you are Jimin, that's my studio, the back is tall windows letting light in, the apartment is entered by steps at the side."
"Won't the person who owns the house need to know I'm staying?"
"I own the house Jimin,"
"Oh!" The small male gulped, he must be really rich.
Jimins stuff was carried in Jungkook showed him where everything was and made to leave.
Jimin hurried after him holding out his tin," here it's not much but I can give you more weekly,"
Jungkook pushed it back keeping Jimins hands on it.
"Jimin im not trying to brag but I honestly don't need it, if you want to make me happy buy yourself some clothes I don't think you've treated yourself in a while have you?"
Embaressed Jimin looked down at himself seeing how old his clothes looked he'd never worried about how he looked before as he just wanted to save but now he saw how faded and worn they looked. Jungkook seeing his face spoke," I didn't say that to embarrass you I just want you to treat yourself not worry about saving"
Jimin nodded biting his lip.
"Right I've got to go now but I'll be back later, oh here's the keys are you going to be ok? There basics in the kitchen but I'll drop of more when I come back rest up ok?"
The two men left leaving Jimin to slowly unpack , once done he sank onto the bed squealing in delight at how comfortable it was. He got up took some painkillers then got back on the bed wrapping the duvet around him. Within minutes he was asleep.
Jungkook phoned the home to say when he would start on the mural, he needed to prep the walls and figure out his design, he also advised that the room should unoccupied while being painted.
Once done he sat and sketched a drawing just as the children had asked. Then ordering supplies to be delivered to the school.
On a whim he went online. And ordered a bright play tent, soft toys unicorn and sea creature themed and dress up outfits of prince and princesses along with colourful containers to keep them in,smiling as he imagined the children's faces when they saw it all.
Looking at his watch he went outside to his garage, driving out a jeep and going off to get shopping maybe going overboard a bit. He drove back and carried the bags to the steps running up them and knocking on the door.
His heart thumped as a cute tousled haired drowsy male opened the door. He gulped at the sight, really how could someone be this pretty?
"Hey, er I bought some food, let me cook for you,"
Jimin opened the door wider letting him in. Jimin stood there as Jungkook unpacked the food his mouth dropping open," this is too much ,"
"What? I don't think it's much at all you should see my cupboards!"
Jungkook kept some steak out and new potatoes and veg.
"Right then let's get cooking!"

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