Money isnt everything

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Jimin moaned in pleasure as he bit into the steak the sound drawing Jungkooks attention.
Jimins eyes were closed in pleasure as he savoured the taste. He opened them to find Jungkook looking at him.
"Have I got something on my face?" He asked anxiously wiping his hand across .
"No..., I've just never heard someone sound like that eating steak," he laughed.
"Well it's the most delicious thing I've had in years,"
"Years? What do you eat then?"
"Ramen, pork belly occasionally ,fruit"
"That's not much!"
"It was enough, "
"It sounds hard your life, I feel embarrassed when I think how much money I probably waste."
" you should be careful with money, do your paintings really sell for much?"
"My last one sold for XXXXX"
Jimin gaped in amazement, " you must be really rich then, that must be nice."
"It is but it has its down sides too, you never know if people like you for you or your money. I had a girlfriend, turns out she liked my money more than me, I caught her bragging on the phone about how she was going to make me buy her things, so I ended it."
"That's sad, did you love her?"
"I thought so at the time but realised I was just used to her being around, I didn't actually miss her when she was gone."
"Maybe that's why fate intervened, I'm sure you'll have another girlfriend soon."
"Or boyfriend , I'm not picky, what about you how's your love life?"
Jimin blushed a bit," erm, non existent."
"Oh when did you last have a partner?"
"I-um-haven't-um well I've never had the chance."
"Your kidding...right?"
Jimin shook his head and tucked into his meal again.
Jungkook stared how come this entrancing male had been sidelined? Almost as if Jimin had heard his thoughts he said,
"I could never take anyone home with things how they were and I don't really meet anyone besides the kids at work."
"Well maybe now you can get out and meet new friends, you should come out with me and my friends sometime."
Jimin frowned, " I couldn't do that, I don't intend to impose on your kindness"
"Don't be silly, it's just me and my friends."
"But..., they would probably find it strange that you mix with someone like me."
"And that's another downside of money people presume your different, you've presumed we are different."
Jungkooks tone wasn't angry just.....,well it seemed resigned. Jimin realised he had made a judgement based on his way of thinking.
"I'm sorry, your right, I'm presuming your friends would be snobbish and look down on me."
Jungkook suddenly smiled," well you met Namjoon he's not like that is he?"
"No he's very kind, I've seen him come to where I work with another man."
"That would be Jin his partner."
Jimin nodded then he stood up collecting the used dishes and placed them in the sink. Jungkook came to help and soon the kitchen was neat and tidy.
"Well, I'm going to prepare the wall tomorrow so I'd better turn in." Jungkook said.
"Oh I'll see you there then,"
"Oh no you won't, you heard the doctor..., rest. They already know at the home."
Jimin couldn't remember when he'd last had time off ,he said goodnight to Jungkook who left waving goodbye.
Jimin wandered around his new home, it was weird not having to be careful or sneak around. He watched some tv then went to his room showered and got into bed taking a painkiller and lay there thinking.
He'd always presumed having money meant you were happy but he'd never thought how it could affect how people treated you, he hoped Jungkook would find someone who loved him for himself because he seemed to be a kind man not forgetting he was very handsome.
Jimin eventually drifted off sleeping so soundly he didn't hear Jungkook leave in his car in the morning he only woke at eleven after the most comfortable sleep in years.
Getting up he washed and went to dress, pulling out some clothes he was about to put them on when he looked at them, really looked at them. Pulling one after another from his wardrobe he saw what others must see, he felt ashamed. Finding the least shabby he phoned for a taxi, took the money from his tin and got taken to a mall.
He found a men's shop that wasn't cheap but also wasn't overpriced. Looking around he admired the colours and styles. He bought two sweat pants , three T shirts, two hoodies and three jeans with two long sleeve shirts. He bought a smart pair of shoes and some trainers, then new underwear, not that anyone would see it. Finally he saw a jacket that he just had to have. Paying for it all he was surprised that it didn't make as much of a dent in his funds as he'd thought it would.
Loaded down with bags he came out the shop, thinking he'd find a seat somewhere he saw a hairdressers, without thinking he walked in.
"Can we help you?"
"I want my hair done,"
"Cut,coloured or both?"
Jimin blinked he'd never had his hair done properly so he asked what they thought.
"Well sir, I think your hair is a bit mousy now we could put in blonder highlights and a nice cut?"
"Yes please."
Jimins bags were stored he was whisked away and the process began.
He was brought a hot drink and when he thanked them so sweetly for it as he'd missed breakfast they even brought some biscuits and fruit for him to eat.
Eventually...," ta da!"
The hairdresser spun his seat around to let him see. He was overawed," oh my goodness your amazing you have made me look so nice your really clever."
"The canvas was already there sir we just enhanced it a bit." They said smiling.
He paid leaving a large tip. For the first time he realised spending your money to make you feel good about yourself was better than hiding it away, although he knew he'd always be a saver, but now he would learn to enjoy life as well.
A taxi took him home, he dragged the bags inside and hung up his new clothes, changing into seats and T shirt and throwing out every old item in his wardrobe.
He made himself some noodles then sat on the sofa watching tv falling asleep after ten minutes tired from the days happenings.
A loud continuous knocking had him rubbing his eyes before getting up to answer the door his face rosy from sleep his feet bare,
"Jimin I've been knocking for........, hell what have you done to yourself!"
Jimin woke up properly a small hand going to his hair his eyes big looking worried.
"I just wanted something new, I thought it looked nice but.... Do I look stupid?"
"What? Shit no ..., sorry did I make you think that, you look amazing Jimin, you looked good before but now...., wow!!"
Jimin blushed shyly, " really? I went a bit mad today....., I spent money on myself." He mumbled.
Jungkook smiled at the guilty way Jimin spoke.
"You did? Well I'd say it was about time, but you should have been resting."
"I did....,a bit but I threw all my old clothes out and bought new , I even enjoyed buying it!!"
"Woah,where had Jimin with the tin gone!"
Jimin giggled the sound entrancing the other.
"So do you want to come and eat in my house?"
"But you cooked me food yesterday, I really don't want to be a bother."
"Your not, come on, I can tell you about my day."
They went down the steps and Jungkook opened his house door letting Jimin in.
"Go look around while I shower."
Jimin nodded walking into the beautiful house as Jungkook wandered off.
He admired the flowing lines of the house, the comfortable looking furniture and paintings on the wall all Jungkooks own work. He sat down looking at the pictures and was only interrupted by Jungkooks footsteps. He turned to see the other wearing low swung sweats and about to put on a T shirt with his muscled abs on full display.
Jimin couldn't help the little spark of attraction he felt but kept his eyes turned away as Jungkooks head came into view. Out of the T shirt.
"So let's go into the kitchen see what we have"
Jimin nodded following the other, watching him cook then listening as he told how he'd prepped the wall and drawn a rough design on it.
"I saw your little friends they were sad you weren't there."
"We're they? Ah I'll go in tomorrow"
"It's too soon,"
"I'm fine,"
"Doc said rest,"
"I can't sit and do nothing!"
Jungkook sighed," ok you can come with me in the morning but leave at lunchtime,"
"God your behaving like a dad," Jimin said pouting
"The only time I'd be your daddy is if we were doing something sexual!"
Jungkook laughed," it's ok Mr Innocent , I'm joking, you should see your face!"
"I-I know your joking it's not like  I'm your type, I'm aware of my limitations, I'm just not used to people talking like that!!"
"Aw Jimin your so easy to tease and you don't know what my type is!" Laughing he bent down and lightly pecked Jimins pouty lips. He winked at a flustered Jimin before getting back to his meal.

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