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Jimin woke to his phone buzzing .
"Hello?" He mumbled
"I'll pick you up in twenty minutes don't be late,"
"What? Who is this?"
"Oh my god, it's me your soulmate and shopping companion you've forgotten me already!"
Jimin sat up," no no sorry Tae, I took a sleeping tablet last night left me a bit fuzzy,"
"So you'll be ready right?"
"I'll be outside the drive waiting see you!"
He hurriedly washed and put on his jeans and shirt, drinking some milk and a piece of bread, grabbing his wallet and jacket he rushed outside seeing in surprise Jungkooks car there. He ran quickly down the drive arriving in time to see Tae pull up as Jungkooks door opened.
Jimin jumped in the car pretending not to hear and Tae shot off.
Jungkook shook his head, Jimin can't have heard him, oh well...
Three hours later and Jimin wondered how Tae kept going.
"How bigs your wardrobe?" He asked Tae who had numerous bags but still looked for more .
"Obviously bigger than yours," he said glancing down at the meagre two bags Jimin had.
Jimin laughed," I need more than clothes to make me look good, your lucky everything looks good on you."
"Well thank you but I don't think you know how good you look."
"Pfffft !" Jimin snorted
"Ok then , I'll show you," they walked into a store.
"Hmm this, with this and those shoes," Tae said.
Jimin looked around as Tae grabbed some clothes, they had some nice stuff here he thought, a bit pricy though.
"Go try these on," Tae said pushing the clothes into his hands.
"Put these on then come and show me."
Sighing Jimin went to the changing room.
He put on the soft leather trousers which seemed to mould to his curves, then the white blouson shirt loose fitting and a deep v in it the material not sheer but giving faint images, the black slip on boots finished the look and Jimin stared at the stranger in the mirror, he looked, kinda sexy.
"Jimin come out let me see!"
Jimin shyly walked out," I knew it! See it looks so good on you!"
"It's great Tae, I love it but maybe next time,"
Jimin got changed leaving the clothes in there for the assistants to put away. Tae grabbed them when Jimin wasn't looking and took them to the till buying them. He caught up with Jimin who was looking outside the shop at a cafe across the road.
"Can we go eat Tae?"
"Sure my feet ache a bit let's go over there before we carry on."
They went to the cafe ordering food and a hot drink.
"I love shopping !" Tae murmured
"I noticed!" Jimin said.
"What's money for if you can't enjoy it?"
"You tell me I'm not really in that position!"
"It should be enjoyed, I love giving gifts don't you?"
"I suppose I would a gift is always nice to receive,"
"I'm glad you said that...,TA DA!!" He gave Jimin the clothes he'd bought him.
Jimin looked inside," Tae! That's too much honesty let me take them back and get you your money."
"I will be deeply offended if you do!" Tae had a stoney face"
Jimin saw it and got flustered," I I'm sorry Tae I don't want to offend you but it's an awful lot to spend on someone you don't know well."
"Your my soulmate...." Still stoney faced
"Um, ok then just this once ok?"
Tae turned away smirking, god he was a good actor!!
"Good now that's sorted let's eat."
They chilled out then Tae's phone rang,
"Hi, what's up?No he's enjoying himself, I am not pushy!! We are eating..., no not yet few more shops, ok, ok as long as you let me stay at yours  and change, we can all go to the club together? Fine see you later."
Jimin raised an eyebrow," Jungkook?"
"Yes, apparently I'm not to tire you push you into doing you don't want and not stay out long, he says you may need a nap!"
Jimin blushed, it was the truth he felt tired, he did need to nap especially if they were clubbing tonight
Tae saw the guilty look on Jimins face...
"Ok one more shop then we leave,"
An hour later and the pair struggled to the car, laden down .
Tae drove to Jungkooks, his door opened.
""Hey you two!"
Jimin nodded keeping his head low. Grabbing his bags he mumbled a see you to them both.
He looked up to see Jungkook studying him.
"You okay?"
"Um yer but I might go sleep for a while, I'm tired what time are we leaving?
"Eight, I'll drive."
Jimin nodded.
"Wear the outfit I got you," Tae yelled again getting a nod from Jimin before he disappeared.
"Why did you get him an outfit?" Jungkook grumbled.
"Because he looked so sexy in it...."
"Calm down , it's just a friendly gesture, he does look good in it but wasn't going to buy it so I did."
"Green eyed monster showing itself eh?"
"I'm not jealous!!"
"Sure your not, now let's go inside."
The pair went inside still squabbling . Jimin went into his apartment  and unpacked his bags.
He really felt tired so flopped on his bed and was asleep within minutes.
"Your looking sharp Jungkook," Tae said admiring his friend.
"Well having a model as a friend I try to keep up appearances", Jungkook said looking down at himself. He was all in black, trousers T shirt jacket, well tailored complimenting his figure. A silver chain with an ingot on it hung from his neck and two silver earrings in one ear. His hair had a tousled look that made him look sexy.
In comparison Tae had a loose sand coloured shirt with tan trousers elegantly casual with brown loafers a brown leather jacket topped his outfit.
A knock on the door announced Jimin. Jungkook opened the door smiling, his mouth opened in shock at the sexy figure standing there.
"Holy fuck," he muttered.
Jimin stood there looking like sex on legs, he was biting his lip worriedly. Jungkook couldn't resist brushing his thumb across that plump lip.
"Don't bite it, what's worrying you?"
"I-it's this outfit, is it not a bit too much should I change ?" He whispered so Tae wouldn't hear.
"Don't you dare, you look...., amazing," Jungkook said looking him up and down in a manner which made Jimin blush.
"Jimin! Hey don't we all look good! Let's go party!!"
They walked to Jungkooks car, Tae got in the front with Jungkook while Jimin sat in the back, catching Jungkooks eyes on him through the mirror. He lowered his eyes telling himself Jungkooks looks meant nothing he had a girlfriend remember.
Jungkook frowned to himself as Jimin deliberately looked away, he was sure something was up but didn't know what.
He parked up and they walked to the club entrance where bouncers recognising Tae and Jungkook let them in, Jimin who lagged slightly behind as he was busy admiring the outside of the building got stopped.
"Get in line,"
"But I'm ........"
"Wait like everyone else!"
Jimin jumped at the harsh voice stepping back then,
"Hey why aren't you letting him in he's with me,"
Jungkook stared in annoyance at the bouncer.
"I'm sorry sir, excuse me," he nodded to Jimin and let him in.
Jungkook grabbed Jimins hand pulling him into the club, he made his way to a table. Jimin recognised Namjoon and Jin nodding to them.
"Jimin this is Hobi and Suga, Hobi owns this place."
Jimin and Suga hugged while the others stared in confusion.
"Moochi, how are you? Did you get away from your awful stepfather?"
Jimin nodded," what's with you being called Suga?"
"Hobi likes it, or maybe it's my sweet personality," he said with a deadpan face making Jimin giggle.
"I missed you so much," he told the other.
"I'm sorry we moved away moochi."
"Er hello?" Hobi said looking frowningly at the pair.
"Don't get jealous Darlin, this is moochi er Jimin, the friend who convinced me I could make it in music, the one I told you about ."
"Oh wow, sorry babe, Jimin nice to finally meet you, Suga said if you hadn't kept harassing him to go for what he wanted he'd be in a gang or dead now, so I thank you sincerely."
"Er, guys how do you know each other?" Namjoon asked.
"We used to be neighbours, Jimin would come over to mine when his dad passed out, he wasn't a nice fellow..., sorry Jimin, we moved away and time passed, I guess I always thought you would have moved away, gone to Busan where your mum came from."
"I-I guess I stalled on that "
Jimin said quietly .
"Well welcome to my club I'll get the drinks going, Kook ?"
"Just one beer I'm driving,"
"Erm, I don't drink....."
"What surely one?"
"Babe...., leave him.., his stepdad is an alcoholic,"
"Oh sorry Jimin...."
"No, no it's fine, I'm I'll try a beer."
Soon the whole table had drinks in front of them and Jimin watched as they all chatted about people they knew. His gaze went to the dance floor his foot tapping to the music.
"Go dance Jimin, you used to be good," Suga smiled.
Hobi grabbed the shy boys hand leading him to the dance floor.
Jimin at first was self conscious but soon was immersed in the music Hobi dancing along with him the pair in perfect sync. People around stoped to watch the two, both dancing well but Jimin had an aura of sexiness to his moves.
Jungkook stared watching every move, the way his clothes skimmed his body , the unconcious move of sucking his bottom lip in with his teeth.........
"Jungkook, I didn't know you'd be here, are you following me?" A sickly sweet voice said.
Jungkook frowned, " what are you doing here?"
"Same as everyone else, enjoying myself,"
"We'll go do it somewhere else," he told his ex.
She huffed," I'm sure your friends think your being rude," she said staring at the group, but they all knew the history.
"Hell No you bitch,"
"Go find some other sucker"
"Leave us before I get you thrown out," Suga said a dark look on his face.
Jimin coming back with Hobi saw the girl Jungkook had been kissing.
"Shit why's she here," Hobi muttered.
Getting to the table Jungkook pulled Jimin to him,
"Sit next to me Jimin," he smiled at the boy, something the girl didn't miss.
"Oh nice to him, you could be nice to me.....,"
"I wouldn't touch you with a barge pole , now Jimin here..., I like him."
The girl glared at Jimin then , who was looking in bewilderment at the pair.
"Just you wait," she shrieked. And stomped off.
"Thank god ," Jin muttered.
"Hateful bitch," Namjoon said.
Jimin stared at Jungkook," but, why are you mad at her you were kissing her?"
"What!" Everyone else shrieked while Jungkook stared at Jimin.
"I was what?"
Jimin felt everyone's eyes on him," erm the other day you were kissing her at the front door"
Jungkook gave a thoughtful look then a smirk," so that's it...., I didn't know you saw I thought you were 'out' Jimin? She came after seeing the tv programme, she tried getting back with me, she's the girl that cheated on me I told you about? Well she threw herself at me I had to pull her hands away to get her off me."
Jimin realised he'd made a big mistake, not only had he presumed what he saw was the truth, but now Jungkook knew he'd lied about being out, he also realised the reason he'd acted like he had was simply because he was jealous, pure and simple he didn't want anyone but him touching Jungkook. He gulped when he saw a knowing look on the others face, so he jumped up hurriedly grabbing Tae.
"Come on let's dance," giving the other no chance to resist he pulled himself and Tae away needing to get away from that suddenly dark prowling gaze.
"Ah Jimin , I think I'll claim my reward tonight" he murmured his eyes on the prize that was trying to hide from his gaze. He gave a small chuckle then made his way to the dance floor .

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