Keeping a secret

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Jungkook woke up early, for a moment wondering why he felt so warm. He then realised it was Jimin curled against him. He carefully slipped from the bed to use the bathroom, when he came back he was mesmerised by the sight of Jimin.
He had turned onto his stomach hugging the pillow his head was on, the cover rode low on his back, one leg slipped out to lay on the duvet. He quickly snapped a picture on his phone then grabbed the drawing pad and pencil he kept in the drawer. He sketched what he saw and knew instantly he was going to paint this.
Closing the pad he climbed back into bed laying on his side close to Jimin his eyes drifting shut after ten minutes.
Jimin yawned and opened his eyes confusion on his face until he remembered where he was then he blushed sneaking a look to his side, admiring the sleeping male next to him. He badly needed the bathroom so got up slowly a dull ache in his back. He went into the bathroom using the facilities then looked longingly at the shower, surely it wouldn't wake the other up? He stood under the water sighing in pleasure head tilted up one hand on the wall as he leaned there.
Suddenly two hands were at his waist making him shriek.
"Well I didn't expect that!" A laughing voice said
"Oh god! I didn't hear you, you startled me!"
"I can tell!" Jungkook said laughing still
Jimin turned around pouting," don't laugh you scared me..., why are you in the shower with me anyway?"
"Aw,you're cute when your mad," jungkook bent down claiming Jimins pouting lips in a sizzling kiss. He pulled Jimins wet body to his both becoming aware that their lower bodies were reacting to each other.
"God your beautiful...." Jungkook muttered his hands caressing Jimin.
"Hmm, your crazy," Jimin answered
"Hey, I thought we had already established you have Jimin blindness?" Jungkook smirked
"Pfft, I just see reality and right now I see you have a big problem," Jimin grinned
"So what you gonna do about it?"
Jimin frowned then squatted down, caressing the hard length in his hands watching it become more rigid.
"Fuck! Suck me off Jimin....!"  Jungkook grunted.
Jimin warily opened his mouth softly licking the end then taking him in bit by bit ,sucking and licking .
"Oh yes...., your good baby!!"
Encouraged Jimin took more of the length bobbing his head back and forth hearing Jungkook groan .
"Ah baby, your mouth is amazing,"
Jungkook started rocking into Jimins mouth his hands holding Jimins jaw either side. Jimin licked and sucked for all he was worth gagging slightly as the other rocked into him before.....
"Fuuuck!!" A warmth gushed down Jimins throat as Jungkook came, he gulped it down before Jungkook pulled out gasping. He pulled Jimin up kissing him hard tasting himself.
"Where did you learn that?" He asked half joking and also a bit jealous.
"Erm, I don't know was it ok I've never done that before?"
"It was more than ok, it was amazing."
"Oh, does it feel that good?"
"We'll let me show you..."
He then knelt down his large hands holding Jimins ass as he took in his length. Pleasure zipped through Jimin as the others mouth worked his magic while his fingers did a number on his asshole.
He gave himself up to the feelings going through him slightly spreading his legs so Jungkook had better access. Jungkook hooked his fingers suddenly hitting that sensitive spot that had Jimin gasping in pleasure he gripped Jungkooks hair moaning as his tongue assaulted his length, he felt the build up of pressure and screamed the others name as he came.
His legs shook his body felt wobbly at the intense orgasm.
Jungkook stood up smirking down at the shorter figure holding him in his arms til his shaking stopped.
"Wow!" Jimin mumbled looking up at the other a rosy hue on his face.
"Hmmm, wow indeed, shall we wash now?"
Jimin nodded and both washed themselves down,Jimin groaning slightly at the ache still in his back.
They stepped from the shower drying themselves off and going into the bedroom. Jungkook went to his closet tossing sweats and a t shirt to Jimin and boxers still in the wrapper.
"Here put these on they'll be more comfortable than your clothes from last night."
He returned to his closet picking out casual wear for himself. Turning around he smiled at the sight of Jimin in boxers and his T shirt which hung loosely on him, the sweat bottoms long but wearable.
"You look cute in my stuff!"
Jimin blushed then once Jungkook was dressed followed him downstairs.
Jimin nodded then tried climbing up on the high stool of the breakfast bar. Jungkook laughed and lifted him up easily onto the stool.
"Thanks," Jimin mumbled embarrassed.
"Right, first of all take these," he handed Jimin painkillers and some water.. which Jimin took gratefully.
Not long after both sat there eating a full breakfast.
"Mmm, your a good cook," Jimin mumbled gratefully
"Do you like cooking?"
"I do it as a necessity, not a hobby," Jimin said truthfully .
"Oh, I like experimenting when I'm not painting."
"Have you got some painting on th go?"
"No but I have an idea....."
"Well I'm sure it will be good like all your other work,"
"Well thank you,"'
Jimin helped clear up then stood awkwardly ,
"Erm, I suppose I should go so you can get on with your day......" he twisted his fingers together only to have them caught in Jungkooks larger ones,
"Stop thinking your a bother, how about we have a day binge watching tv?"
Jimin nodded happily, soon the pair were cuddled on the sofa a blanket covering them.
Jungkook enjoyed listening to Jimins giggle as the  comedy film ran. Then they watched a quiz show both shouting out the answers they knew.
Jungkook got up to make coffee which he brought into Jimin.they sat sipping it, they chatted about the children's home and the kids there then put on another film. It had only been running for fifteen minutes when Jimins eyes dropped shut and he leaned onto jungkook falling asleep . Jungkook looked down smiling, he sat back further putting an arm around Jimin and watching as the other snuggled against his chest!
The doorbell ringing later woke Jimin up he sat up letting Jungkook answer it and a minute later Tae walked in.
"Well what do we have here?" Tae smirked seeing Jimin in Jungkooks clothes.
"Spent the night in wondrous pleasure!" Tae finished for Jimin wiggling his eyebrows.
Jimin went beet red and stood up, "erm I have to er, get my things," he mumbled limping away.
"Tae don't scare him off!" Jungkook admonished.
"But he looks so cute when he's embarrassed! So what's going on between you two are you an item?"
Jimin stopped on his way back hearing those words he waited for Jungkook to speak.
"You know me Tae, I don't do relationships, this is, well a momentary pleasure ,"
Jimin felt a heaviness in his chest but stepped forward,
"Are you trying to match make Tae?this is my first fling, I have a lot of catching up to do." He lied.he knew himself and he knew he had fallen hard for the man who had opened his house,painted a wonderful mural and had given as much of himself as he wanted.
Jungkook frowned a little at Jimins words although he was the one who had stated the game of play.
"Jimin your not leaving?" Jungkook asked.
"Oh er yes, I have laundry and stuff to do before work tomorrow..."
"Oh...., ok we'll see you," Jungkook said not really wanting him to go.
"Oh of course Erm have fun you two," he left the house, Tae frowned he wasn't convinced by Jimins answer, he felt like Jimin was upset in some way.
"Jungkook..., you did let Jimin know that it's just a casual thing didn't you?"
"Well....., you heard him, he's not taking it seriously......, so I presume he knew?"
"Hmm, "Tae said a little niggle of worry in his head.
Jimin got indoors and true to his word put laundry on, he sat down staring into space. You are dumb Jimin what do you expect from last night, hasn't he given you enough already, don't be greedy wanting things you can't have.
He put the laundry to dry then looked to see what there was to eat but realised he needed to go shopping.
He munched on an apple he had left then decided just to go to bed, he felt down and tired so set his alarm and went to sleep,where he had dreams of people laughing at him and pushing him away.
He dressed for work and went on his way. Kids were playing outside when he arrived and he stopped to chat to them. The main door opened and a woman came out, seeing Jimin she smirked and went on her way, Jimin recognised her as Jungkooks ex. Why was she here?
He went inside and heard his name called by the head lady. He smiled at her and walked over bowing," hello ma'am ,"
"Ah..,er Jimin can you come into my office?"
They walked in and she gestured for him to sit down.
"Well Jimin as you may know the mural got a lot of publicity, we have had people offering their time and skills to get this place in shape. We have also been given donations."
"That's wonderful!"
She nodded but looked worried," I know the mural was down to you Jimin and I can't express how grateful we are..., but......, well someone who wants to donate has brought a matter up....., I don't like to listen to gossip but it could harm the homes future which just cannot happen."
"Of course, what is it?"
"Jimin........, there are rumours that......., well that you are in a sexual relationship with a man....., while personally I have no problem this benefactor does and threatens to bring it up with the board if I allow you to continue working here."
Jimin was shocked, he now knew what Jungkooks ex was here for.
"I-I understand..., I'll leave immediately ,"
"Jimin I'm so very sorry"
"Please don't worry you have to keep the home going"
"We will pay you til the end of the month"
"Thank you, I enjoyed working here."
He got up walking out, luckily not seeing the children he didn't think he would cope if they asked why he was leaving.
He wandered around then went to an agency to look for a job.
"It's a bit slow and you haven't got many qualifications"
"I will consider anything."
"Well, there are night shift cleaners for offices?"
"Right, start tonight, this is the address, you meet up with this person, start is eight you finish at one thirty in the morning, Monday to Saturday , you make up your money because it's night work."
Jimin nodded taking the details. He walked to where the job was located so he would know how long it would take him to get there . He would have to leave about seven thirty or just before. He knew buses wouldn't run that late so he would have to walk back.
Maybe he should get a bicycle he thought.
He went home seeing Jungkooks car wasn't there, he sighed in relief. He didn't want to tell the other he'd lost his job or who had made it happen. He didn't want the other to stress out over it, he knew he would feel guilty and Jimin didn't want that, so he decided to keep it a secret, after all it's not like anyone needed to know.
He realised he still hadn't shopped so just ate a piece of bread, then napped for half an hour. He heard Jungkooks car he hadn't turned a light on in the apartment so it looked like nobody was home. He held his breath when footsteps sounded on the stairs and a light knock came. Five minutes later and the footsteps went back down.
Jimin got dressed in casual sweats and sneaked downstairs, keeping to the side of the drive he quickly ran down the road catching the bus. Getting off he was walking through town when his phone rang. Jungkook had FaceTimed him.
"Jimin? Where are you?"
"Oh hi Kookie, I'm in town look..." he swung the camera around.
"Oh, I thought you would be home,"
"Er No a colleague asked me out to their families house I'm just going there, "
"It's a bit late leaving work isn't it?"
"Oh no, I um had to pick up a gift didn't want to go empty handed."Jimin lied
"Oh right, we'll enjoy yourself."
"Thanks bye."
He got to the building with minutes to spare, meeting up with the person in charge. He was given two floors, empty bins, sweep and mop floors and clean the bathrooms, don't touch desks and a fifteen minute break at eleven. Once he was shown the ropes he got on with it, by the end of the night he was shattered. He started the walk home it took him forty minutes as he was tired and a little scared walking alone at that time of night. He walked on the grass verge of the drive so his steps wouldn't be heard on the gravel. Tiredly he crawled into bed , he sighed, he hoped Jungkook never found out he'd lied or was keeping a secret.

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