Patience gone waiting for the patient

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Jungkook was frustrated, having Jimin so close in his bed but not being able to do anything.
His painting was coming along well, he always let Jimin know where he was but let's say while in his studio he found himself using the bathroom to relieve Kook junior as painting Jimin made the feelings more pronounced.
Jimin was also catching feelings. Jungkook would walk around with just a towel around his hips after a shower giving Jimin a Birds Eye view of his Adonis like figure.
Jimin bent over to pick up a t shirt he dropped he heard a groan behind him and stood up turning,
"You ok Kookie,"
"What um yer great fantastic..." Jungkook mumbled trying not to look like he'd been perving on Jimin.
Jimin slipped the T shirt on and went downstairs he was feeling so much better today.
Jungkook slumped on the bed," fuck! Why does he affect me so much?" He looked down," you gotta be kidding me!" He disappeared into the bathroom, when he came out he dressed hurriedly and went downstairs,
"I made some breakfast Kookie,"
"Hmmm? Oh yer great, do you mind if I take it with me to my studio? I wanna get on with the painting."
Jimin gave a small smile," of course...., your work is important,"(but I wish you would stay here longer he thought)
Jungkook rushed off, being around Jimin and not touching him was getting hard.
Jimin wandered around, did all the laundry, made some cookies and cleaned everywhere and still Jungkook hadn't come back.
It was then Jimin decided that he really should move back into the apartment so he began to pack his clothes rushing to a window when he heard Jungkooks car starting up and driving off. He sighed, maybe Jungkook felt a bit uncomfortable in his own home with someone else there .
Nodding to himself he looked around, putting the cookies on a plate and covering them he left a note.
Dear Kookie
Now I'm better I will let you have your home back. Thank you for looking after me I made some cookies I hope they are ok. Bye for now
Your lodger
He made sure everything was tidy and left going to the apartment.
Jungkook drove to a cafe, he could have gone in his house but seeing Jimin again right now would mean him losing what little control he had left going!
He sat trying to chill out while drinking coffee his phone rang.
"Hey Tae,"
"Hi yourself, so just to let you know your ex has been bragging that you two will be an item again soon, I was at a bar last night, one that has these cubbyhole type seats, I was in one with a friend and she was sat in one behind me with a group of girls.
The others were talking about their partners and she out of the blue said you two were getting back together, that she had removed the problem."
"That bitch, as if I'd get with her again,"
"Exactly what I thought and er...said"
"Well she annoyed me with her attitude so as my friend and I left I might have said something like, :Jimin isn't a problem he's the answer to Jungkooks prayers and he wouldn't touch you if you were the last woman on earth"
"Tae..., I know you meant well but it just makes zjimin her target..."
"I know I realised it after I said it..., she was mad tried to slap me and I might have accidentally on purpose tipped her drink over her as I left."
"Well, that would have been worth seeing, I just hope she doesn't go for Jimin again."
"Well now he's better he's going to work with Suga isn't he?"
"What do you mean he's better?"
"That's what he said ten minutes ago , I rang him to see how he was he said he has recovered and is back in his apartment ?"
"Oh yer er right, we'll gotta go Tae things to do see ya"
He left his coffee jumping into his car and driving off. Jimin was better..., he got home quickly and went inside only to find the note and cookies and everywhere looking spotless. He went back out and around to the apartment only to find nobody there, he came back round to his house stopping as he saw the other male wandering up the drive.

Jimin stared at the other who looked well....not his usual laid back self. His eyes darkened as he looked at Jimin almost predatory.
"Hi Kookie..."
"So your better?"
"You left something behind that you really should sort out."
"I did? Sorry I thought I had everything,"
"No, this really needs seeing to now,"
Jimin followed Jungkook into his house, Jungkook closed the door.
"What did I leave?"
"Me...,a very horny me,"
Jimin blushed and stepped back as Jungkook came towards him his back suddenly against the door.
"Do you know how many times I've had to Jack off after sleeping with you and not being able to touch you?"
"Y-you did?" Jimin said biting his bottom lip heat going through him at Jungkooks words.
Jungkook pressed himself against the other,
"See how needy I am??"
Jimin could certainly feel that need.
"Well I Erm , wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable ,"
Jimin said sassily.
Jungkook swooped down claiming Jimins lips and grabbing his ass as he ground against him. Jimin moaned out feeling needy himself, the next minute he was slung over Jungkooks shoulder and taken to the bedroom, gasping as he was thrown in the bed.
Straight away Jungkook crawled over him connecting their mouths while his hands ran under Jimins top.
Jimins own hands were busy undoing Jungkooks trousers pushing them and his boxers down freeing his member which Jimin took in one of his small hands.
"Fuck Jimin," the other groaned as Jimin rubbed a finger over his leaking slit.
The next minute Jungkook stood up stripping off hurriedly not caring that he was on display, he rapidly undressed Jimin and lay him back on the bed kissing his way around his body marking him on his sensitive collarbone and teasing his fingers against his puckered hole.
"Ah Kookie I want you...."
"Get on all fours," Jungkook growled fetching the lube.
Jimin did so but felt embaressed showing his ass. He squirmed ," Kookie??"
"I love your ass do you know that , every time you bend over you get me hard. He lubed his fingers spreading Jimins cheeks and pressing one into him.
Jimin moaned....." more Kookie...."
Soon Jimin was writhing in pleasure as Jungkook hit his prostrate again and again, his other hand reaching round to play with Jimins member.
Jungkook was harder than he'd ever been before, he took his fingers out and without warning slammed into Jimin his need to be inside him all consuming.
"Aaah Kookie!"
"Sorry babe I need you so much,"
He pulled back then rocked into Jimin again , it wasn't long before Jimin was meeting every thrust pleasure building inside him.
"Ah Kookie I'm gonna cum,"
"Hold it baby let's come together,"
Jungkook thrust quicker and harder , Jimin only just holding on.
"Now Kookie now!!!!" Jimin released on himself and the bed," aaaaaaaaaaah!!!"
Jungkook came at the same time erupting inside Jimin   With such force he felt himself get lightheaded as Jimins hole clenched around him squeezing out every last drop.
Harsh breaths were all that could be heard as Jungkook shakily removed himself from Jimin flopping by his side on the bed.
Jimin wanted to flop down too but realised he and the bedcover were sticky, he made to shuffle backwards off the bed but groaned.
Jungkook suddenly realised Jimins predicament, he grabbed tissues and wiped the bed then got more and cleaned Jimins front only then did Jimin flop to the bed.
"Argh I can't move," he lay face down
Soft lips kissed his neck and shoulder," sorry Jimin if I was too hard on you but you've been driving me nuts for days"
Jimin felt a happy fluttering inside himself, Jungkook liked him, he wanted him! Could they finally be a couple.
"Now why would I drive you nuts?" He asked jokily expecting a ' because I can't do without you' response.
"Well you have a nice ass that gets Kook juniors attention."
Blindly going on Jimin said," maybe it's because you like me?"
Jungkook suddenly leaned back," Jimin of course I like you but, not in a we can go steady way......"
Pain shot through Jimin but he mustered up any acting skills he had and turned and smirked at Jungkook," you should see your face...! Scaredy cat, I know you don't like me that way I'm teasing you!"
Jungkook laughed "you little tease!"
He picked Jimin up taking him to the shower and letting them both clean up, Jimin was facing away from him so Jungkook didn't see the silent tears that rolled down his face, how stupid he felt..., people like him didn't get happily ever after .
They went back to the bedroom and got dressed, Jimin felt sore but didn't let on although his movements were slow.
"Well now I've sorted what I left behind I better go, get some bits ready for work tomorrow."
Jungkook frowned," don't you want to stay for something to eat?"
"Better not, we will only start chatting and time will pass and I won't get anything done...." He lied.
"Oh, ok, we'll have a good day tomorrow..."
"Thanks, you too,"
Jimin left, for some reason Jungkook didn't feel happy, it didn't feel right but he wasn't sure why, his needs had been met but..... shaking his head and frowning he went to cook some food. His doorbell rang and he hurried over thinking Jimin had come back but it was Namjoon.
"Oh hi,"
"Well thanks that makes me feel wanted!"
"Sorry.., what's up?"
"I've left messages haven't you read them?"
"Er sorry I was busy ,"
"You and your painting, a gallery has just sold one of your pieces for treble the price, the only catch is the buyer would like you to hand it over so he can have a photo taken with you the excess funds are to be donated to the children's home."
"Well of course I'll do it!"
"Great but you need to leave tonight,"
"Leave, the buyer is in Japan he wants to meet tomorrow, I've booked us both on a flight for ten."
"Ok well I'll pack for what a day?"
"Pack for two just in case,"
Jungkook hurried around , his thoughts went to Jimin should he tell him? No he was probably busy like he said.
Picking up his passport he left, going in Namjoons car.
Neither saw the person hiding in the car keeping an eye on the place.
Jimin got up bright and early going to catch a bus he sat waiting. Another man walked up and sat next to him.
Jimin smiled," good morning,"
"Well you sound cheerful going somewhere special?"
"I'm starting a new job,"
"Oh yes, anywhere interesting?"
"Yoongi enterprises I'm going to be a personal assistant to Yoongi!"
"Gosh that sounds like a lot of responsibility,"
"Yes I hope I am up to it!" Jimin laughed
The man nodded then stood up," oh dear I forgot the list my wife gave me, I better go get it " he said turning away.
"But the bus is just coming?"
"I'll get the next one,"
The man walked off leaving Jimin to get on the bus so he didn't see him get into the car parked by Jungkooks house or the smirk on his face as he dialled a number on his phone.
"Hello, yes it's me, Mr Park has got a job as PA to someone called Yoongi at Yoongi enterprises, yes he's on his way now."
He shut the phone off glad to be driving off home after a long night, but at least he'd been paid well.
Jimin arrived and was escorted to Suga who hugged him and showed him around.
He then took Jimin to a recording studio.
"Listen to this tell me what's missing "
He played a demo and Jimin frowned it was good but not quite right.
"Well?" Suga asked
"It's missing something, maybe a singer slightly higher to blend it together?"
"See I knew you would know, go in there put the headphones on and sing that part when I give you the nod,"
"Me? Why?"
"Jimin I'm your boss do it," Suga said pouting to show Jimin he wasn't mad, Jimin giggled and pretended to warm up his voice before going in and doing as Suga asked.
It was a while since he and Suga had messed around with music and it brought back happy memories.
Coming out , he watched as Suga fiddled with some dials then played the music. Jimin could hear his voice added and was surprised," wow I sound ok!"
"Ok? You're bloody perfect, your voice fits perfectly so now we can finally publish it."
""Really! I'm a backing singer on someone's record woohoo!"
Suga laughed patting his friend on the back as they made their way back to his office. They both stopped at the sight of Jungkooks ex sitting in the waiting area. She saw them and smirked, Suga spoke," why are you here?"
"None of your business, you deadbeat,"
Suga clenched his hands but kept his cool.
"Is that so, maybe I should have you escorted out?"
"As if, I'm here to see Mr Yoongi and to make sure that tramp never works again," she said staring at Jimin.
Jimin bit his lip nervously. Yoongi pulled him along the corridor to his office.
"Don't worry Jimin she can't do anything ok,"
He sat at his desk gesturing Jimin to sit nearby, he buzzed through to reception telling them to send her in. He set his phone on record and waited.
When the knock came he called come in.
"Mr Yoongi I'm ......what are you doing in here?" She stormed.
"Hi I'm Yoongi...."
"You can't be, your called Suga you Dj at the club!"
"And I own this so?"
She was flustered but spat out what she came for.
"Him I don't want you employing him!"
"Now why on earth would I listen to you?"
"Because if you don't I'll let it out that your employing a homosexual!"
Suga just laughed which seemed to irritate her.
"I mean it I will!"
"Darling everyone knows my orientation which is gay, Hobi is my husband!"
" can't , he should go he's ruined everything!"
"And how can he do that?"
"He's wormed his way into Jungkooks life, he's trying to make him gay!"
Again Suga laughed, you can't turn a bisexual gay, they like both sexes!"
"What do you mean ?"
"You think Jungkooks only been with women think again honey!"
"It's not true...,he will come back to me!!"
"He hates you and will never hook up with you again you destroyed his trust your just a scam artist whose lies lost a good person they're previous job, did you ever donate to the home?"
"As if I would waste money on little brats, I made sure he lost his job !"
"By defaming him?"
"I will say whatever it takes to get rid off him any lies anything!!"
"Well he has a job here for as long as he wants it and I have you on tape saying defamatory things about him which I will not hesitate to show the police." Suga said in an icy voice.
She stamped her foot and stormed to the door hissing at Jimin," you better leave or I will out Jungkook!"
Jimin stared in consternation after her.
"Relax Jimin she won't ."
But Jimin wasn't so sure, he'd seen the hate directed at him and thought she was pure evil.
After spending a busy day with Suga he went home, her conversation bubbling away in his head. No matter how he tried he knew the only solution was to leave.

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