Getting closer

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Jimin was given the ok to leave the next morning with a telling off by the doctor to look after himself.
He took hold of his suitcase but Jungkook picked it up as though it weighed nothing and carried it out his other hand gripping Jimins.
Once they got back Jimin tried to say he would be ok in his apartment but Jungkook ignored him and took him inside his house.
"This is silly I'm a grown man I can look after myself,"
"I think you have proven otherwise?"
Jimin pouted," ok where am I sleeping then?" He looked around the closed doors.
"With me,"Jungkook lifted an eyebrow daring him to disagree but Jimin kept quiet , biting his bottom lip the only sign of his unease .
Jungkook took Jimins case to his room then went to the kitchen to make them a hot drink.
"Oh, here the doc gave me some medicine for you to take, you have to finish the course."
Jimin took the pills frowning in distaste but obediently swallowing them when he saw Jungkooks stare.
"It's silly I'm ok," he mumbled in his defense.
"God I never thought you would be a whiny patient,"
"I'm not whiny!" Jimin whined stopping as he saw Jungkooks amused stare.
He sat down on the sofa , Jungkook put the radio on while he went to wash up the cups, coming back he saw Jimin sprawled on his back asleep one arm up on the cushion his other hugging a cushion on his stomach.
Jungkook couldn't help taking a picture thinking in his head he could actually do a themed set of pictures of Jimin asleep.
He sat just staring at the male, for some reason he occupied a lot of his thoughts.
His eyes ran the length of Jimins body, he'd love to do a nude of him but knew Jimin would never agree.
The doorbell rang causing Jimins eyelids to flutter open. Jungkook cursed whoever was there but strode to answer it. Suga, Hobi, and Tae stood there.
"How is my soulmate?" Tae said dramatically running past Jungkook and seeing Jimin picked him up and cuddled him.
"Er Tae,are you ok?" Jimin asked
"Oh god when I think how horrible that bitch had been to you, Namjoon told us!"
Jungkook slightly jealous at the way Tae held Jimin spoke," you weren't particularly nice when you met him?"
"How dare you, we made up ! I said sorry..., Damn, I never said sorry, Jimin forgive me I'm an awful person not like that bitch though!"
"Tae it's fine you don't have to say sorry," Jimin smiled at the other before suddenly being overtaken with a cough.
"You poor thing," Hobi said coming over to pat Jimins back.
"Will you lot get off him he's supposed to be resting!" Jungkook yelled.
"Watch it Kook the green eyed us showing ," Suga murmured quietly to him.
Knowing he'd been a bit loud he calmed himself down," what I mean is he's achy and all this tugging and patting won't help."
"I'm ok," Jimin said staring at Jungkook in surprise.
"Well....,just be careful you two," he mumbled.
"Kook I was thinking, she may still try to cause trouble she doesn't seem like the type to drop it?"Suga said
"Yer, I think you may be right, Namjoon said that someone was querying where Jimin now worked."
"Does that mean she's going to keep getting me sacked ?" Jimin asked worriedly.
They looked at each other glumly, Suga then smiled.
"Jimin come work with me,"
"What at the club?"
"No that's Hobi's thing, I DJ there occasionally , my main thing is producing songs and organising musicians ."
"But what can I do?"
"Your musical and I need a personal assistant"
"Suga you can't just make up a job for me"
"Oh he's not Jimin, his organisation skills are zero, he's missed meetings, turned up at the wrong place, forgets to hire special singers as backing," Hobi stated.
"Hey! I'm not that bad am I babe?"
"Says the man who turned up to an award show a month early!"
"Ok, I will help but if you run out of work for me I go? Deal?"
"Deal, I hope that bitch gets in touch with me about you, I'll slay her!"
"But she knows your Jungkooks friend doesn't she?"
"But she doesn't know I'm Yoongi enterprises , which is who your working for."
"Ok, shall I come tomorrow ?"
"No!" Came four other voices.
"Jimin which part of rest and recovery don't you understand?" Jungkook said hands on hips.
"It's not fair!" Jimin whined
"Never took him for a whiner " Hobi said.
"See,I said that too!"
Jimin tried to keep a straight face but couldn't help laughing as Hobi and Jungkook smiled at him.
"I'm sorry, I'm just used to being on my own and sorting my problems out for myself."
"Well now you have us," Jungkook said.
The doorbell rang this time Jungkook hurried to answer walking back with boxes.
"Pizza anyone, I ordered them on my phone so you better be hungry"
"Thank god I'm starving," Suga said.
Everyone laughed and soon tucked in, Jimin realised that as soon as he ate a slice Jungkook passed him another.
"No more! I'm full"
"You haven't even finished three slices ?" Hobi said.
"Your counting?" Jimin queried
"Jimin we can all see you have lost weight," Suga said
Jimin kept quiet, his friend knew his past habit with food which meant he'd probably told Hobi hence the concern.
"Ok maybe one more slice," he looked at Suga who nodded and smiled glad to see Jimin try.
Jimin only managed half of it but could see by the others smiles that his effort was appreciated. He yawned suddenly, " gosh sorry,"
Jungkook saw Jimin was also looking a bit flushed.
"Well gang sorry to break this up but Jimin needs his medicine and rest."
This time Jimin didn't disagree, he felt exhaustion sweep over him, and he felt warm.
"I'm sorry but I need to lie down," giving a small wave goodbye he walked to the bedroom.
"Well he hadn't shaken it off yet, poor boy take care of him Jungkook,"
The three left and zjungkooks hurried to take Jimin his medicine . Going to his room he went in to find Jimin rolled up in the quilt .
"Jimin..., medicine ,"
He struggled to sit up," thanks Kookie..., I was so warm but now I feel chilled,"
"Your. Actually sweating the fever out, hopefully this is the last of it."
Jimin nodded then suddenly threw the quilt off,
"Jimin get undressed you'll feel more comfortable,"
Jimin nodded pulling his sweatpants off but leaving his boxers then struggled with his top.
Jungkook gulped at the view but made himself concentrate.
"Ok into bed ,"
Jimin climbed in enjoying the cool sheets on his warm body, then started shivering.
Jungkook covered him in the quilt. But he still shivered . Jungkook lay on top of the bed hugging Jimin who stopped shivering and with a small sigh fell asleep in Jungkooks arms.
Jungkook stayed for a while then got up feeling the need to paint. He went from the house and to his studio setting two easels up and taking his sketches and photos of Jimin etched them onto the two canvases. He then concentrated on the one of Jimin in his bed, he became engrossed in it not realising how much time had passed until he felt a stiffness in his shoulders and put his paintbrush down looking at what he had done so far and smiled, his gut told him this was going to be a success. He cleaned his paint brushes and left the studio going into his house. He made his way to his room intending on having a shower but as he got to the door he heard small sniffs.
Opening it he saw Jimin red eyed sitting hugging his knees.
"Jimin what's wrong?" He rushed over.
"I woke up and you weren't here, I thought you'd left me and gone out, I had a bad dream..., I got scared,"
"Hey, I was just in the studio painting I forgot about the time, I'm sorry I should have left a note."
Jimin sniffed eyes downcast," no I'm sorry for being a baby, I'm not normally like this."
"Shush, it's ok to let your guard down...,what was your dream about?"
"That girl, she was laughing at me saying I'll never get away she was reaching out her hand to grab me that's when I woke up."
"Ah baby, it's ok..., look I need to shower I'll be right back,"
"C-can I come in, I'm sweaty and I don't want to be alone just yet,"
Jungkook bent down to pick him up carrying him to the bathroom undressing himself before turning the water on letting zjimin take his own boxers off. They both stood under letting the water cover them then Jungkook washed Jimins hair while the small male stood there languidly after rinsing his hair Jungkook washed himself letting Jimin wash the rest of himself then just stand there letting the water pour down.
"Come on baby time to dry off then supper ok?"
Jimin nodded drying himself and following the other out, he opened his case pulling out some pjs and putting them on turning to see zjungkooks dressed and smiling at him.
Jungkook gestured to Jimins pjs and he looked down and blushed, he'd forgotten there were fluffy sheep all over them.
"They're comfortable," he mumbled
"You look adorable," Jungkook said," I'm gonna put clean bedding on, you'll sleep better later."
Jimin went to help but was shushed away , he watched as Jungkook swiftly changed the bedding then left the room telling Jimin to follow. He went through a door further down which Jimin saw was a laundry room. The old bedding was swiftly put in the machine and turned on then grasping Jimins hand he led him to a stool in the kitchen and sat him there so he could watch while Jungkook prepared some food. Once done the pair sat and ate  , Jimin did his best as the food was so tasty but eventually admitted defeat.
"Sorry Kookie it tastes lovely but I did enjoy what I had!"
"I'm glad, I know it will take time to get your appetite back but your doing well." He placed a kiss on top of jimins head, making Jimin smile.
"Shall we watch tv for a while?"
"Mmm, nothing scary though,"
"How about a comedy?"
Jimin nodded happily and Jungkook found one so that soon the pair were laughing.
"Oh that was so funny, did you see how that man looked when the other slipped over?"
Jimin looked up at Jungkook who was staring down at him. Jimin bit his lip nervously hearing a small growl like sound coming from the other.
"Don't do that, it makes me want to do things with you...."
"Mmm, things I shouldn't do while your I'll but maybe a kiss won't hurt ,"
Jungkook bent down claiming Jimins lips in a passionate kiss.
Jimin moaned against the others mouth enjoying the pleasure coursing through him, whimpering as Jungkook pulled back.
"I know baby, I feel it too but it's not what the doctor ordered. Now come on medicine then Bed."
Jimin let out a sigh but knew the other was right as he felt weary again but no temperature.
Eventually they made their way to the bedroom, jimin cleaned his teeth and used the fascilities coming out to clamber into bed enjoying the fresh clean bedding. Jungkook came out and got into bed and turned the light off.
"Goodnight Jimin,"
"N-night Kookie!"
They lay there, Jimin worried about having another bad dream while Jungkook just wanted to  hug Jimin closely.
"Kookie...,  are you awake?" Jimin whispeted 
"What's wrong, Jiminee?"
"Can I hold your hand. I don't want another bad dream."
The bedding rustled and Jimi n suddenly felt a warm body close to him.
Turning Jimin on his side he spooned against Jimins back.
"Will this do?"
Jimin giggled and said yes then his eyes fluttered closed and he went into a deep sleep.
Jungkook kissed the top of Jimins head glad to have him there.
Eventually he too drifted.  His lasts thoughts  how come I want more?

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