Jealous friend

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Jimin was now recovered, he had taken it easy at work in the beginning but now was working full days.
He had yet to see the nearly finished mural as Jungkook locked the door not letting anyone see it until it was finished.
The head of the home had asked if she could let the press know a famous artist had done a mural at the school. At first Jungkook didn't want to but then Namjoon and Jin told him it wasn't just to show off his work but for him to talk about the home and it's needs hopefully bringing in a bit more in revenue to help the home, so he agreed to a tv unit turning up in two days time to film the reveal.
Jimin had been coming in with Jungkook, sometimes he'd leave before him and other times they would leave together. Jimin had declined a few invites by Jungkook as he could see the other was tired after the days painting and also he realised he was relying too much on the others presence.
Today he was in the garden reading to the younger children. It was about a prince who rescued a petty girl from her horrid family.
"Jimin I'm glad she lived happily ever after,will we?"
"Of course you will, one day new mummies and daddies will come they won't be horrid they will be lovely and they will treat you like princes and princesses, because they will really want you."
"Jimin have you got someone special?"
Jungkook appeared in Jimins thoughts but he shook his head," No....., I'm just unlucky that I must have been out shopping when my Prince came!"
The children giggled," does that mean your a princess Jimin?"
"Hey!" He laughed with them,
"Jungkook is going to draw you as our prince isn't he?"
"We will have to wait until tomorrow won't we."
Jimins smile was suddenly wiped off his face when he saw a familiar figure come in the gates and walk drunkenly to him.
He stood up quickly not letting the man go near the children.
"Get out of here!"
"You,you brat...., I want money,"
"I have nothing to do with you anymore so get lost."
The man grabbed Jimins wrist twisting it painfully, Jimin took a sharp breath determined not to yell and scare the children.
Jungkook stood back looking at the finished mural pleased with the look. A banging on the locked door had him turning his head, maybe Jimin was trying for a sneak peak.
He walked over," you can't see it til tomorrow !"
"Mr Jungkook! Mr Jungkook a nasty man's hurting our Jimin!" A childish voice said.
Jungkook unlocked the door to see a tearful small boy there .
"Hey baby it's ok take me to Jimin!"
  "You think you don't owe me? My friends don't come round now, I had to sell some furniture it's your fault!"
"Get a job!" Jimin said gritting his teeth as the man's grip tightened.
"Get your hands off him, I warned you!" A deep angry voice said.
The man looked up to see Jungkook there.His grip loosened.
"He called me here he told me to come for some money!" He whined.
Jimin pulled away," you liar, I hate you!"
"You wait, I'll make you lose your job here I'll tell them your a slut who prostitutes himself, they won't let you work with kids"
Jimin stared in shock until a voice behind him said,
"Your an evil man, self centred, pathetic drunk, you have two choices you wait here for the police to come and you will be charged with slander, assault and threatening behaviour plus the broken ribs, or you leave, sell your house and go far away, personally I'd prefer the first option as a person like you won't last long in jail."
The man's eyes looked shocked, he knew he was beaten that he could no longer victimise Jimin, he rushed out the gate knowing which choice he was going to make.
"Hurray! Prince Jungkookie saved our prince Jimin!" The little boy who had run to get Jungkook yelled making the other children cheer and run to hug Jimin.
Jimin smiled at the children and Jungkook who frowned when he saw Jimin holding his wrist.
"Hey kids why don't you play tag while I talk with Prince Jimin?"
They ran off squealing, jungkook took hold of Jimins wrist seeing dark bruises appearing where his wrist had been gripped.
"That bastard," he muttered still holding Jimins hand.
"It's ok he's gone now, thanks for helping Prince Jungkookie" Jimin laughed.
"Kiss,kiss,kiss! Kiss our Princess Jiminee !" The kids yelled running around them.
"I'm not a princess, I'm ......"
Lips pressed against his moving persuasively, so that Jimin gasped and a tongue slipped in savouring the moment before pulling away.
"I Prince Jungkookie have saved the fair princess so I must go now to paint my lovely castle, goodbye!" He winked at a rosy faced Jimin and left.
Jimin stood staring after him bemused by the feelings that had taken over his body.
Shaking himself he gathered the children taking them inside to play musical instruments while singing.
Jungkook leaned against a wall inside the room he was painting. Wow Jimins lips had felt so soft, he'd nearly forgotten where he was, he wanted to take more from the sweet boy.
Pulling himself together, he started the tidying up, storing the washed brushes and leftover paint in a small shed to be used by the home.
He asked for a mop, cleaning the floor, then arranged the small tables and unpacked the toys and supplies he'd bought placing them around the room which now looked bright and inviting.
He stared at his mural, he'd enjoyed painting Jimin he thought he'd got him just right.
It was too early for Jimin to finish so he asked a staff member to let him know, then going to his car he drove home.
He showered his mind thinking again of how nice zjimins lips were, how nice would they be around something else?He looked down to find ' that Something' was hard and throbbing so he placed his hand around it pumping it til he found his release all the while thinking of Jimin.
He dried off and got dressed looking at the clock , Jimin would be home soon.
His doorbell went , he rushed over.
"Hey Kook, where you been, I've been round a few times and your not in nor in your studio?"
"Oh,Tae, how are you, I've been busy on another project, come in,"
His friend came in and Jungkook saw Jimin walking up the drive," hey Jimin come in meet my friend."
Tae frowned turning around to see a handsome male walk up to the door hesitatingly.
"Don't stand there come in, this is Tae my friend."
"Best friend "the other male said looking Jimin up and down.
"Go sit down you two I'll make coffee."
Tae took off his coat making himself at home on a sofa . Jimin sat on the edge of another one.
"So..., did you need to talk to Jungkook?" Tae asked
Tae frowned," So why are you here?"
"I live here, or rather above the studio."
"What! Since when?"
"It's been about a week or just over."
"How did you manage that , is he using you as a model for his art?"
"Well I haven't met you before, how long have you known him?"
"J-just over a week."
"How did you get put in there if he hadn't known you that long?"
"Tae...what's with the questions ? Leave Jimin alone."
"Jungkook has he given you some sob story, how can you let a total stranger stay next to you, I mean he obviously isn't rich look at him."
Jimin stood up shakily," I'm sorry you don't seem to like me I'll go so you can talk to your friend."
He walked out leaving an annoyed Jungkook to turn to Tae.
"What the hell Tae?"
"What...,I don't see you in over a week to find your suddenly lodging with a stranger, "
"What...,god you sound jealous!"
"I am bloody jealous, you've been spending time with him not me, what did he show you his ass and promise you fun?!?!"
"That boy Tae, was helped. By myself and Namjoon from an abusive relationship where his drunk step father beat him up regularly, he cracked his ribs.We got him out and I'm letting him stay in MY apartment even though he worried about what people might say. Funnily enough I assured him my friends were nothing like that, they were kind and understanding, then you pull this stunt, playing the rich card looking down on the poor boy...., I'm actually ashamed of you."
Tae felt ashamed of himself, he wasn't normally like this but he'd had a bad week and missed his friend, still Jungkook was right he shouldn't have acted like he had.
"I need to apologise don't I ?"
"You think!?!"
"Ok, ok I get it, I'm hungry start cooking some food,I'll be back."
He walked outside and around to the steps going up to knock on the door.
It partly opened and he saw the worried face of the small boy.
"Can I come in ?"
Jimin bit his lip and stepped back allowing the other to walk in, passing the open bedroom door he saw a case on the bed with clothes in. He stopped," going somewhere?"
"I um, I can see me staying here will be a problem."
Tae walked into the room taking the clothes from the case and hanging them up.
"Don't be stupid I was just being a jealous brat."
"No your right I'm not rich as you can see by my clothes, your right to doubt me I shouldn't be here."
"Your clothes are fine, don't mind me, I model and I have a preference for expensive things, your style what I can see of it is quite good."
"I thought I'd seen you before you model for Gucci don't you!"
"You've seen me?"
"In magazines, I secretly flick through in the shop,"
"What do you think?"
"Oh you look so good, Louis Vuitton would suit you too,"
"I know right! I asked my agent to get me in there and he said it's not my style, I told him I know what style I am not him, that's why I was in a bad mood he's not doing his job..."
"Oh....,doesn't he see if you diversify more brands will be calling you?"
"That's what I said !"
"He doesn't seem to be looking out for your interests just taking the easy option."
"Your right, I'm gonna talk to him again tomorrow! You have quite an eye, you should come shopping with me!"
"I think our budgets will be very different!" Jimin laughed.
"Shopping is shopping how about this Saturday?"
"Can we shop in my stores as well as yours?"
"Yer,yer, wear these black jeans and that shirt,"
"We'll come on then, Jungkooks cooking, I'm sure he'll want to see I haven't murdered you..., friends?"
Jimin smiled and nodded . They walked back to Jungkooks who looked at them both with a raised brow," so....?"
"Meet my new soulmate Jimin, I'm prying him away on Saturday to shop."
Jungkook smiled then,"Jimin put on comfortable shoes this one loves to shop!"
He laughed as Jimin looked worriedly at Tae who just patted his hand then demanded where the food was.
The three spent a fun evening, Jungkook telling Tae what he'd been doing and Jimin letting slip he liked dancing and music.
"We should go to Hobi's place Saturday, I think Sugas DJ ing"
Jimin looked confused," club Euphoria," Jungkook said.
"Really! That place is famous,"
"Our friend Hobi owns it and his partner Suga is a DJ, musician and rapper."
Jimin brushed his hair back nervously which showed the deep bruising on his wrist, Tae saw it looking at Jungkook who indicated not to say anything.
"Is it ok if I go with you though?"
"Of course your our friend you can go where ver you want." Tae said smiling as Jimin looked excited. Again Tae felt ashamed at how he had behaved to the other who was he could see now, a sweet cute male.
Jimin yawned," gosh sorry..., I better go, big day tomorrow can't wait to see the mural."
"Hope you won't be disappointed," Jungkook said.
"You could never disappoint me," Jimin said innocently making the other sigh rather loudly as he looked at the others lips, he tried turning it into a yawn, waving Jimin off.
He turned round to see a smirking Tae, " what?"
"Kookie has a crush!"
"Shut up...!"
"Ooooh, you don't deny it! Well I'm going see you Saturday ! All day spent with your crush, mmmmm!"
"Don't you try anything!" Jungkook said jealously.
Tae just winked and left.

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