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A/N: Cover art by Lesya7 on tumblr. Cross-posted from AO3. This story is more complete with fanart on that platform.

Gaara was tethered to his desk as usual, desk stacked with papers and monitor flashing with notifications that kept pouring in. Gaara glanced at the clock on the screen--9:32 am. He gritted his teeth and groaned.

The tea he'd been meaning to drink sat cold and undisturbed. He reached for it and sipped it out of indignance.

There was a knock at his door. "Come in," he said curtly. It was Kankuro.

"Hey boss," Kankuro said with a lightness of humor towards his brother. "A hawk brought this today. Kind of analog so I took a look. Thought it would interest you."

"It can't wait?"

"Well, I'm sure it can, but it's about the Mizukage. It seems Mei has announced her retirement."

Gaara raised an nonexistent eyebrow. "Really? I figured she had another 10 years or so in her career. Any reason given?"

Kankuro brought the mail to Gaara, passing it off to his hands. "Oh, this is an invitation to a inauguration ceremony?" Gaara examined the heavy weight paper. "Well, this certainly appears to be official. Lord Chojuro has been selected as the Rokudaime Mizukage? Hmm...I get the feeling I know who that is, but I'm not sure."

"I thought that too. Would you look him up?"

Gaara swiveled to his computer and did a quick search. Not much appeared, save for a head on shot that looked similar to a prison intake photo. A calm expression with glasses, ear protection, and short blue hair and stubble looked back at them.

"I thought that name sounded familiar," Gaara mused, leaning back in his seat and resting his index finger to his chin in thought. "We've met him before multiple times as one of Lady Mei's bodyguards. I didn't realize he was considered to be next in line for succession. He must be very talented."

"Yeah, he must have grown into his own since the Fourth Great Shinobi War. I know we both know better than to judge based on past history."

"Definitely. Hmm, well I suppose I should send him my best."

"What are you thinking, Gaara?" Kankuro sat on the edge of Gaara's desk, arms folded.

"Well, I think the precedent has been set when Darui came into power and we attended in person. I'm afraid it would look like an insult if I did not show."

"You just can't catch a break with all this work and travel, can you? Shinki is going to be disappointed."

Gaara closed his eyes and sighed. "He knows that this is his father's duty, though I wish it could be easier for all of us. How safe is it to travel to the Land of Mist?" He opened his jade eyes to regard Kankuro curiously.

"If you're thinking of bringing him with you I'd advise against it. There's rumors of a faction with strong prejudice against all outsiders. It might be risky for you as well, especially considering the weather is likely to be wet. Your sand will only be so useful. Good thing Shira's been helping you touch up on your taijutsu recently."

"It is a good thing, I've been having a hard time finding time to stay in shape otherwise." Gaara rose from his chair and looked out one of the small porthole windows, stretching an arm behind his head.

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