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"Lord Mizukage, I can take it from here, don't you need to get some rest before your busy day tomorrow?" Kankuro stood beside his brother, resting a hand on his forehead, as devices beeped and whirred keeping him alive. Gaara was intubated, dark eyes fluttered shut, skin pale and sallow.

Chojuro was sitting in a chair near the hospital bed, leaning forward with his elbows on this highs, face in his hands. He was no longer wearing the ear protection and had thrown it in the harbor after he had brought Gaara to the surface. He pulled his glasses off and wiped his eyes, sniffing. "I will head home soon, I just, I'm not ready to leave yet."

He watched as the Kazekage's chest rose and fell steadily with the help of technology. A medical nin had just left the room after attempting to restore some of his chakra to help him heal more quickly.

Naruto stood in front of the closed door, arms folded, expression grim. "It's always him. I don't know what it is about Gaara but he's always attracted so much hate." He looked at Chojuro, studying him. "You've got a big problem on your hands, Mizukage, if your shinobi cannot be trusted. I can help you flush out this Blood Mist faction. I can stay a few more days. I'd do anything for Gaara. This is personal." He clenched his fist tightly. He couldn't let Gaara die a second time.

"In the meantime you guys have to make sure that only authorized parties know he's here," Kankuro said, turning to face the other two men. "This is partly a security breach issue, especially if they hacked into your headpiece, Lord Mizukage. Who knows what else they know and have access to. Honestly we should be switching rooms as soon as he can be moved. I need to wash this paint off too so I look less recognizable. Excuse me."

Kankuro walked towards the bathroom within the hospital room, looking at himself in the mirror. He looked exhausted. He had already told Baki and Shinki the news that Gaara was in critical condition. The way Shinki sounded so heartbroken worried Kankuro. That boy had been right to worry, and this only reinforced his worry. He had let Temari know as well. She was on her way in the morning.

It was only a matter of time before the Suna elders found out in the morning, which would result in political turmoil. Kankuro was best position to act as interim Kazekage in Gaara's absence but he was certain others would have their doubts. He'd have to deal with that soon if Gaara did not wake, as soon as Temari could relieve his watch.

Kankuro moistened a white washcloth and gently pulled the paint from his face. He sobbed as he did so, trying to keep quiet as he felt the ripples of emotion wash over him. Seeing Gaara this way was breaking his heart. He wasn't sure if he'd walk away from this one.


"Chojuro, what I don't get is why we're the two of you together alone in the first place?" Kurotsuchi asked. She watched the Mizukage scrutiningly.

Chojuro felt miserable and numb, but met her question with a quiet calm. "I had called him after I recieved his RSVP to let him know he was at risk of a targeted attack. He insisted he attend. I asked if I could show him around Kirigakure personally, partly as a way to watch him myself. I regret that didn't work the way I had hoped." His glasses reflected the glare of the morning sun filtering through the blinds of his new office, hiding his red and swollen eyes.

"No, it was like they knew you would be with them," Naruto frowned. "They could have attacked on his way here, or after he left, but they took the opportunity to strike when they knew you would be alone. Not to mention, when Gaara was unable to protect himself with his sand. This was a well planned strike. We cannot trust your shinobi or staff right now."

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