Let the Water Rush In

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"Thank you for making the trek here. I know it's a long way from Suna. Did you make it here without issue?" Chojuro donned a new Mizukage robe, complete with a black waterproof cloak to keep it dry. The garments bulked him up, adding width to his shoulders. He had a commanding presence.

It was late and the ceremony had completed several hours ago. The freshly minted Mizukage had been busy making rounds to meet and greet high-status individuals, mostly those from within Kirigakure. He had made an attempt to greet Gaara several times but had been swept aside by others. It was beginning to rain, sprinkles of drizzle fell onto Gaara's hair and face, darkening his skin.

"I have never been to the Land of Mist, so I was looking forward to this visit. We did not encounter any of the faction you warned me against, at least, not yet. I'm sure your additional guards have helped." They stood at the base of the Mizukage building. Gaara looked upwards to see not one, not two, but three guards covered with masks. Kankuro was also nearby but out of sight. Gaara could sense him through the small grains of sand in Kankuro's shoes that had traveled with them from home.

Gaara's face continued to darken as the rain fell, turning a dark ash in color. He turned his eyes back to the man before him. "Congratulations, Lord Sixth," he lowered his gaze reverently. "I hope your addition to the Union will continue to strengthen the new shinobi world."

"Thank you, that means something coming from you. I've had people kissing my ass all day. Do you just get used to it?" He lifted a hand as though to brush away the cracking sand from Gaara's face, then thought better of it. Gaara's body language was tight, though his arms were not crossed.

"It's better that than your council and daimyo trying to make a show of you for sport. Fortunately, I have gotten better at their games and they tire more easily of me than I of them. You'll find your stride, though it isn't easy. You certainly seem to have found your stride already, if I'm being honest. You've...grown."

The sand started crumbling from his face now, leaving bare pale skin in it's wake. Gaara tightened his jaw and reached for his gourd, attempting to place what he could of the muddy sand in the gourd. It was thick and viscous and difficult to control.

"Oh, apologies, Kazekage. I've got another coat in my office, if you'd like it. And actually, if you're not busy, I could take you for that tour this evening." He smiled earnestly at the redhead.

Gaara folded his arms. "Only if it is no trouble, Lord Mizukage. You must be exhausted after today's events. I will be here tomorrow as well."

Chojuro thought it over. He was exhausted, but he was riding on the currents of his success today, and damn he felt good. He felt good seeing Gaara, finally being seen by Gaara.

"You're here now. I might be holed up all day tomorrow with work. Let's make the most of the time we have tonight." He reached an arm behind Gaara, gently placing his hand on the small of his back, guiding him forward towards the door of his office to look for the raincoat and to make a plan for the evening. Gaara stilled for a moment at the touch, glanced at the other from the corner of his eye, but said nothing and allowed himself to be led along. Bold indeed, Gaara thought to himself, reminded of a blond Kage who also liked to touch him casually. If nothing else, he had a fine time catching up with Naruto today.

"In response to your earlier comment, you're not the first to have said that I've grown up. But with all due respect, the last time you saw me I was very nearly the same man I am now. I just do not think you noticed me." Chojuro watched Gaara's expression keenly.

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