Captivate Me (One More Time)

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"Hey Gaara, how are you? Like, really how are you?" Naruto asked, resting his elbow on the ramen restaurant counter and leaning his face into his fist, smiling and knees spread open and pointed towards the other. "It's been a long time since just you and I talked, you know?"

Gaara had not been surprised that Naruto had headed straight to the ramen joint. He just wished he had expected it. He didn't have the same appetite for it again today. They were chatting as they waited for their orders.

"It's been a bit of a sandstorm, if I am to be honest with you," Gaara replied, looking straight ahead. A quick flash of memory came suddenly to his minds eye from the night before, on his back and being fucked so thoroughly. This morning's session of the summit had certainly been the hardest so far, his head in a fog, a not so unpleasant soreness between his legs, and he was so easily distracted everytime he met Chojuro's eyes. He felt his face warm under Naruto's inscrutable gaze.

"Oh? Tell me about it," Naruto replied, smiling to his eyes.

"It's really not so bad," Gaara replied, a secret smile on his lips.

"If you're going to play it that way, I'll get straight to the point. What's going on with you and the Mizukage? You both seem distracted today. Are you guys still...?"

The question stunned, but he knew he shouldn't be surprised, considering the interaction he let Naruto, Shikamaru, and Temari see months ago in the hospital.

Before Gaara replied, someone else stepped into the booth behind them.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to intrude, Lord Gaara, Lord Hokage. It seems the other spots are full." Shira had entered from the other side of the curtain, wondering if he should take his chances somewhere else, lest he was interrupting something private. Naruto and Gaara's bowls of ramen arrived just then.

There was an open spot beside Gaara, and Shira looked at it warily, hesitant after their quick exchange the day before.

"Naruto, have I ever introduced Shira to you? He is Shinki and I's taijutsu instructor." Gaara said. He looked up at Shira. "Please, sit. You are not interrupting," he said, though Naruto's face said otherwise.

"I'll get that answer out of you eventually, Gaara! Hey, Shira, was it? Hey! Are you that guy that went toe to toe with Bushy Brow? He still talks about you sometimes."

Naruto leaned forward, enjoying his bowl of ramen and chatting to Shira around Gaara's head. Gaara was picking at his bowl, not very hungry. There was a weight in his mind, troubling him and his appetite it seemed.

Shira smiled. "Oh, Rock Lee! Yes, I have the utmost respect for him, Lord Hokage." Shira placed his order and turned his body to face Gaara and Naruto, knees open, one gently brushing Gaara's thigh.

Gaara stilled. Since last night's events, he felt a sort of awakening. He hungered for more, and his mind was playing cruel tricks on him, the thought of sex distracting him. He glanced out of the corner of his eye at Shira. He had previously tried to push the lewd and ridiculous thoughts he had occasionally about the fighter from his mind, but now he wondered just what kind of a lover Shira was. Surely he was experienced. Was he gentle? Was he a little on the rougher side, like how Chojuro had been, leaning into power dynamics? How large was he, and how would those rough fingers feel? And best of all, Shira had made it known he had interest in him, making the fantasy more enticing to consider.

"Hey, earth to Gaara! What's going on with you?" Naruto asked, concerned. He patted the redhead's back to snap him out of it. Gaara's face was crimson.

Gaara shook his head, wondering if maybe he should talk to someone about what he was going through. This was all so new. He knew he shouldn't be thinking about Shira in this way. It would hurt Chojuro if he knew, and the last thing he wanted was to cause the Mizukage any pain. He looked between Naruto and Shira and replied sternly, "I am fine." He pulled his legs tighter together, no longer touching Shira's wayward knee.

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