Fortress Beseiged

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Chojuro broke the surface of the freezing choppy water, gasping. His glasses fogged from the difference in his body temperature versus that of the water. He turned his attention to Gaara, unconscious in his arms.

"No...Gaara, hang in there!"

The water nin paddled and kicked them to the dark edge of the pier, using a burst of chakra to jump powerfully from the ocean. He laid Gaara onto his back, leaning over his chest and shaking his shoulders. "Wake up!" His chest felt like it was sinking deeper into the water despite the fact he was on solid footing.

"Don't you fucking die on me!" He pressed his ear close to Gaara's mouth, looking for any sign of breathing. He swore under his breath and closed Gaara's nose and began rescue breaths. When there was no sign of stirring he laced his fingers together on Gaara's sternum and began chest compressions.

Gaara was conscious in this dream, genjutsu, memory--whatever it was, but he could not speak or flutter his eyes open. He called out, stuck as though under a weighted gray veil. He seemed to be watching the event unfolding from over the Mizukage's shoulder, helpless to do anything.

After seconds stretched into minutes Chojuro was becoming frantic. Gaara heard the sickening sound of his ribcage crunching under the strength of the other. In a moment of relief, sea water erupted from Gaara's mouth. Chojuro quickly turned him on his side, but after several more spasms of water upheaving he was still again.

It was then that Kankuro ran down the rubble of the pier that was still standing, careful to dodge the open areas above the water. He pulled off his robe and threw it onto Gaara's limp and wet body. "Come on, we got to get him to the hospital now! Help me get him onto my back."

Chojuro obeyed as he fought back sobs. The rain helped cover the tears streaking down his face. They left the other Kages to handle the rest of the situation and sprinted to the medical center.

Gaara watched the events unfold, not far from Chojuro's side, eyes wide. Chojuro waited in the hallway as Kankuro stayed with his brother when the medical staff saw to him. Chojuro sank into a waiting room chair, weeping quietly, hands covering his glasses.

Gaara never considered how the experience affected the other man. Surely he felt responsible in some way. Fear. Loss. Gaara rested a hand on his shoulder, though it seemed there was no acknowledgement of his presence.

"There's no reason for you to torture yourself by reliving this moment," he said aloud. "Why can't you hear me right now? Am I dreaming, or dead?"

Gaara closed his eyes. The sound of rushing water filled his ears. He took a calm, deep breath and relaxed his body and mind. One breath. Two breaths. By the time he reached seven he felt a weight rest on his chest, sinking. By eight his eyelids were so heavy he could not open them. By nine he felt peaceful, drifting in and out. At ten...

He shot up, untangling himself from Chojuro who was doubled over him, unconscious. He gasped for air and was greeted with the dry air of the night desert, slightly sweet from the fragrance of nighttime blooming flowers. He clutched his heart in relief then turned his attention to Chojuro. It seemed they were hidden in a dark pathway between the Kazekage mansion and the office building, unseen from any late night passerbys. Chojuro's chin rested on his own chest, eyes shifting under his lids rapidly. Gaara lifted him carefully onto his back, slowly walking him to his home. Once he got them inside the foyer he yelled for help. Matsuri was the first to appear, belly swollen with child.

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