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Months passed into well over a year. The pair had managed very brief interactions through mail and the internet for fear of interception, but ultimately had to keep communications through official channels to conduct business on an as‐needed basis. It was very difficult.

On Gaara's 34th birthday he received a very unassuming package in his office, one among far too many in his opinion. He often recieved gifts in an effort to curry favor, his birthday no exception as it was public knowledge. They had all been inspected and approved by his administration.

Gaara was drawn to it. It was the sort of unshowy style that did not attract even a second thought that made him hope. Chojuro. The man had been on his thoughts more than usual lately. Their last encounter in the wintery Iwagakure had been brief but fiery, a reminder why he endured despite the inconvenience and ill-advised nature of their relationship. He glanced at the group photo of himself and the other Kages on his desk amongst his other family photos, reminiscing.

He picked up the package and was about to open it as Kankuro and Baki walked in. Gaara hid it behind his back.

"Baki, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Lord Gaara, I'm here on behalf of the Council."

Gaara did not like the sound of that. He frowned.


Baki looked uncomfortable. "I thought we laid it to rest, my Lord, but I wanted to be the first to warn you they are drudging up the unfinished business of finding a spouse."

Gaara felt rage rake through his bones, body tense.

"Whoa, Gaara, I know," Kankuro sympathized.

"When will they be satisfied? Have I not sacrificed enough already?" His teeth were gritted and his fists clenched at his sides and sand whooshed in the gourd on his hip. He took a deep breath, relaxed his jaw and folded his arms instead.

"I know it displeases you my Lord, but is it not time in your life to settle down and find a wife? You are approaching middle age and have yet to produce a viable heir."

Sand whirled chaotically through the air. Baki recoiled in surprise at the outburst.

"Shinki is my heir and if anyone says anything to the contrary they will have to speak to me directly." Gaara fought the urge to give his elder a death glare. He knew Baki didn't know the reason for his resistance. Any other Kazekage would likely acquiesce agreeably.

Baki hesitated before speaking, choosing his words carefully. "There are rumors, Lord Gaara, that you've been courting someone. Is that true?"

Not this again. Gaara was silent.

"Well?" Baki asked, momentarily breaking the tension. "It might appease the Council to know a prospect is possible."

"It is my business and mine alone. Not the Council's. I hardly see why it is any of their concern. They cannot force me to marry, and they will not force me to sire children."

"I am sorry for upsetting you, Lord Gaara." Baki bowed his head and left.

Kankuro remained. "What will you do, Gaara?"

What the Water Gave UsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora