Ephemeral Heart

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When Chojuro woke there was a soft drape of twilight casting over the room from an uncovered window. He was still laying on his side but there was a warm weight against him. His breathing stilled at the realization it was Gaara, pressed against his back with his arm draped loosely over Chojuro's chest. He resumed breathing, slow and controlled, hoping not to wake the other. He wondered how long they had before the sun would rise. He wore a watch but didn't care to check just yet. It didn't matter as he was unsure when the sun rose and fell in this strange land.

His throat felt dry and he knew he was dehydrated. Sure, the drinking had been fun but he knew he was going to suffer the consequences today. Maybe he'd wait just a few more moments before getting up to find a glass of water.

He rested his hand over Gaara's. Gaara stirred, shifting behind him.

Chojuro wondered if anyone else had ever been so lucky to share the Kazekage's bed, not that it was his business. He felt damn lucky. He knew Kankuro was right. Gaara didn't let just anyone come this close. He was well guarded for a reason. He was unsure of all the details, but he was aware the former Jinchuriki harbored a long history of childhood trauma. Chojuro swore to himself he would not violate Gaara's show of trust.

Gaara's low voice pulled him suddenly from his thoughts. "Are you awake?"

"I am. Do we need to get up?"

Gaara tightened his grip, pressing his face against Chojuro's shoulder blades. "If you still wish to see the sunrise, then yes. We have to go to the city limits for the best view. It will take some time."

"I have to return to my hotel at some point to grab my robes and fresh clothes, too."

Gaara nodded against him. "You can do that after. Just don't be late for the summit. I won't show you any favoritism."

Chojuro chuckled softly. "I wouldn't expect you to, Lord Kazekage."

Gaara slowly untangled himself from the other and got up and stretched. The motion exposed a small sliver of pale skin underneath his black sleep shirt, revealing his stomach.

Chojuro followed his lead, stepping out of bed. When he noticed Gaara's hair he smirked to himself. It was wild and sticking out in many directions, much like when he was younger.

"Don't say anything," Gaara warned in a hushed voice, giving him a dark look. "Let's get ready. Be careful not to wake Shinki."

Not after long they traveled to the outskirts of Sunagakure, to the cliffs that circled the city. It was still dark, but easy to see in the lightening twilight. The stars twinkled in the sky high above them. The air was cold and crisp, surprising Chojuro with the drastic temperature change. He had heard about cold nights in the desert but hadn't been quite prepared for it. His fingers felt icy.

Gaara made himself comfortable and sat several paces from the edge of the cliff face, crossing his legs, looking out over the city.

Chojuro settled in beside him. He noted how the city's infrastructure seemed to center the Kazakage building, the flow of the architecture leading towards it. It was an interesting contrast from Kirigakure. The sky above them was vast and neverending. He inhaled deeply. The air was potent from the pollen of night blooming flowers on cactus and shrubs.

"It's wonderful out here," Chojuro started, scanning the horizon.

Gaara nodded in agreement.

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