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|Sonic's POV|

Shadow is different from the other Mobains that I've met, G.U.N had me in a glass box, they always put me in a glass back for check ups, to see how I'm doing...I don't remember that last time I head a check up, probably three years from now.

I shivered when my orange full body suit was removed, I got to at least see myself, in my reflection of the glass, I was skinny, to the point that my ribs were showing, visible bruises on my legs from them forcing me to run even when I'm tired. Bags under my eyes.

I flinched when that put a needle into my air and started to draw blood, my face is very pale and my once blue fur is a gray blue.

"He does look good?" The Commander said, walking into the room.

"I'm drawing his blood...Just to make sure he doesn't have a virus, but I think this is probably because someone has been slacking on the job!" The Female Scientist said to the male, each mobian has been assigned, a veteran and wildlife specialist, as well as a soldier and physical therapists. I just so happened to have a female and male that fought like siblings.

"Not my fault that I have to get up early!" The Male argued.

"He looks fine...Looks like Project Shadow is going to have to go with out Subject Eight...until he is back to perfect health" The Female Scientist said as she picked me up, if you don't get on their bad side...they aren't so bad.

"He's not going to be happy in their..." The Male said following the Female she was holding me like I was little kid, I don't mind...over the years I've gotten used to it. She swiped the card on the door and it opened, the Male following behind her, I was placed into a playpen, this is where I'll I stay until I was recovered, it wasn't so bad...I at least get a warm place to sleep. My ear twitches when I heard Shadow throwing a fit in his cell, screaming and growling.

"He'll tire himself out...It's weird Project Shadow had never acted this way towards any Mobain" The Female said.

"Well you have thing...he's been without a mate for fifty plus years, and we just so happened to have a male hedgehog, that's a Hermaphrodite..." The Male said.

"If he starts a hive and with a Subject eight, there is no telling how powerful their young could be" The Female said she shook her head.

"We only have a month to wait before his heat circle starts...if Project Shadow had claimed him as his Queen...then we don't have to worry about him mating with Subject Seven and Thirty-Nine" The Female said.

I let out a small whimper...when I heard Scourge's and Silver's numbers, they were really only ones that I was actually forced to mate with, when this so called heat cycle started, I was only thirteen at the time, and the two got me pregnant...Scourge and I had twins and with Silver I had triplets only to have one of them not make it, I haven't seen my kids afterwards, I could only assume the worst happened to them, like they were sold into Slavery...or forced into this hellhole.

Over the years I've been aggressive towards anyone they tried to get me to mate with, to the point that they just locked me up during the cycles, or forced me to play with some toys.

I don't know about Shadow though...with my orange full body suit, it hide my claim marks...but now, I don't know how he was going react.

I just snuggled up into myself, and just let sleep take me, I'll get better soon and I go back to Shadow. He just has to be patient and wait for me.

|Shadow's POV|

I can't believe those parasite...taking something that was mine, I'll make them pay for taking Sonic away from me.

"Calm down...Shadow"

I turned my attention to the floating Starfish, only I can see him, but he's normally the only person that I can talk to in this hellhole.

"What do you want!"

"I'm just here to tell you...that he's ill, and they took him to get cared for"

I didn't believe that, I know G.U.N they don't care about Mobians, they only care about themselves. I just snarl at him before using my own vision to see, and to my surprise the way that they left My Sweet Queen...he did look rather sickly to the point of death.

"Believe me now?"

"Shut up..." I growled, I just went to make corner, it still had his scent and curled up on the floor, maybe finally I can see his full beauty, he did say something about having blue fur...he's just to perfect to lose. And those claim marks, they only did to him cause I wasn't awake them, but now...now.

"He is mine...and Mine to keep"

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