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|Sonic's POV|

Months went by, and it's been the same thing each month, forces to give birth to, two eggs a week, if I'm lucky I get four eggs...I hadn't been able to see Dasher, Ruby, and Sapphire at all, I only remember seeing them the five days since they hatched, I see Shadow more often, he's only here to asked me how I'm doing...than to breed.

At least they were able to heal my legs so I can move, after the month was over I was allowed to go for a run, and eat whatever I wanted. Check ups were the worst.

I found out that the collar was an slung creature that force feeds me something that made me vomit, muffles pleads if I ask to be free, and if I ate something that I couldn't digest it would climb into my mouth and started eating the food, as well as use my stomach to reproduce asexually, and I end up going hungry with in those months...I always had a Darkling in my room, to keep me from leaving, or killing myself, since the slung always force feeds me if I didn't eat the food that was given to me, or didn't take my medication.

The Darkling was either Male and Female, they were siblings, I think their names were Lunar and Lucifer...when the eggs hatch I got to bond with the hatchlings for five days before they were transferred to the nursery...wherever that might be I wasn't allowed to leave the room, if I wanted to run I had to use the treadmill that is the room that can support my super speed, apparently my appearance matters to them, they me take a warm spa bath, so I guess it's okay.

"My Queen your Medicine" Lunar said as she had two pills, for me to take I took the pills and swallowed them both, one was to help the production of the proteins I needed to produce milk for the young...and Shadow...the other was to put me into an early heat cycle, but the second pill was different.

"Um...what was that second pill?" I asked.

"Oh that's for your stomach...your little friend starts it's mating this week" Lunar said I just frowned holding the pill in my hand, I took it and swallowed the pill, I wasn't allowed to eat or drink for a few hours while the pills were taking effect. "Have a nice even my Queen, if you need me I'll outside" she said as she took her leave. I just looked down at the slung that was on my neck, I hate the parasite...it has the ability that electric els have by producing their own electricity, that is if I miss behave, I just sat down on the bed.

|Third Person POV|

Shadow was busy giving orders to the Darklings, the first three halfbreeds were helping with their siblings, mostly Dasher and Sapphire, Ruby was busy training with G.U.N soldiers, Shadow lets out a small sigh as he couldn't stop thinking about Sonic, his voice, the feeling of his insides squeezing his cock...his moans...

"Dad?" Shadow jumped and he turned his attention to Sapphire, young hedgehog, in purple. "Yes Sapph?"

"Your tail was wagging...were you thinking about The Queen?" Those words...The Queen...he heart kind of sank to his stomach when his kids called their own mother the Queen. "Yes...don't worry about it"

Sapphire just shrugs as she walks away, to help out the Darklings. Shadow just looks down, hated how his kids only saw as their Queen...but they also knew that he was their mother. "Ugh...I need to get Sonic out of here...and as far away from this as possible...maybe then, he can forgive me...for using him as nothing more than a breeding a ground" He thought but it was going to be to risking...since he was linked to Doom. There definitely is no hope in helping Sonic to get what he wanted and that to be free.

"I'm sorry Sonic...but I promise...I'm still going protect you, even if you hate me" he said to himself.

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