"Im taking care of you?" Castiel x reader

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Omg is this not Sam or Dean? ITS CASTIEL!! Btw this is REALLY short.

Me, Sam, Dean and Cas went on a Case, it was a Case where a dead woman haunted her family and killing her husband. Cas got pretty beat up, he got thrown at a wall which hurt his spine and he got punched in the jaw, leaving a huge cut on his bottom lip. I forgot to tell you Cas became human again from losing his grace.

We got to the bunker, Sam and Dean go straight to get some beers. "Hey Cas come here!" I motivate Cas over here. "What is it Y/n?" Cas politely asked with his clueless facial expressions. I grab the first aid kit with my right hand and pull out two chairs with my left hand. "Sit down." Cas nodded and sat down rather quickly, probably thinking something bad is gonna happen.

I squeeze Cas's face with my hand grabbing his face making him turn to me. "What are you doing?" Cas opened his mouth to say another thing but decided to keep quite since I'm in control at the moment. "I'm taking care of you?" I state the obvious. Cas's eye lit up a little, like he had never been taken care of? "Wait Cas, have you never been taken care of?" I was so interested to see his answer now. His was just blurting out studders now.

"I-i mean your the only one who would do this for me- except Sam & Dean, but their no-" I cup Castiels cheek. "Cas. Me, Sam,Dean are all gonna take care of you, okay?" I never broke eye contact. He stared at me before speaking. "Yes, I understand." He is so chuck damn formal. "Good." I playfully slap his face and get the stuff to heal his bottom lip. "Ok, Cas this is gonna sting a little." I press on his bottom lip. He closed his eyes roughly and groaned a little. "It's okay..." I try to comfort him. But I'm terrible at comforting people.

His lips...there really pink, or are they normally that pink? His lips look so soft and...kissable? They are so beautiful. Is it bad that I want to taste his lips, Know what they can really do?

I zone back in earth."Done..." I quickly stop and sit back up. "Thank you Y/n." He says in his normal deep voice that gives me the chills. I awkwardly smile at him before answering him. "No problem..." Castiel stands up and goes to the kitchen with Sam and Dean. Damn it Cas, giving me those...those thoughts about you. I sigh and go to my room. After around 5 minutes later. I hear the door behind me, I turn to the door and see Castiel. "I w-wanted to say thank you for helping me with my wounds." I stand up and walk infront of him. "No problem Cas." I smile at him and hug him lightly. I pat his back and let him go.

Supernatural oneshots x male reader (Mostly The Winchester Brothers)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt