did you call Comfort?

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This is trans male
We are Bobby adopted son
This was requested by Maxwelltranshunter! Thank you MaxwellTransHunter for the request.

Third person Pov

Bobby called his Son for help on a case with the Winchesters. Bobby and the boys were struggling to find this monster. Y/n was getting out of his car that was in front of Bobby's place.

Knock knock knock

Y/n knocked on the door 3 times before he heard quite footsteps. The footsteps stopped for a moment before opening the door. It was Bobby, (We love bobby here)
"Hey kid" Bobby pulled Y/n into a short hug. Y/n smiled as he got to see his dad again.

First person Pov:

I pulled back and smiled at my dad.  "Hey dad!" I chuckle because I haven't seen him in forever. "We need you're help on this case." He spoke up. Oh yeah, the case that's why I came here. He started to walk to his desk area and I followed him. I was greeted with two males, both taller then 6 foot. "Hey boys" I Said to Sam and Dean. Sam smiled and greeted me. Dean gave me a awkward smile, I don't think he likes me that much. He is always not talking to me unless if Sam and Bobby need to leave and it's just us.

We heard the sound of wings and I turned around to see Castiel. "Hey Cas!" Dean smiled. The angel smiled at Dean and looked back at Us. "Did you finally finsh the case?" He stepped closer to the group of men. "Not yet" Sam spoke.

Time skip!!!

Me,Sam,Dean and Cas went to crime scene, to question the cops about it. My dad stayed to figure some books or something. I was in the backseat with Cas, and he was staring out the window admiring the outdoors. Dean parked the car and exited the car. I did the same and we all went inside of the crime scene. There was one cop by the scene and that was the one we were gonna question. We all walk up to the cop. "FBI, want to tell us what happen?" Dean spoke and raised his badge, me, Cas and Sam all did the same. The officer glaced at the badges. "The wife gone mad and stabbed her husband 6 times before dropping to her knees and crying." The officer said as he looked at the body. "Mind if we check the body and the room?" Sam said.

The officer nodded but before we could leave he spoke again. "Hey, can I see the girls badge again?" We all turn around. Was he talking about me? Do people think I still look like a girl? I look down at the ground not wanting to look at anybody. "Who?" Castiel asks in a different voice then normal, like it had more frustration to it. "The short one." He points at me. I saw the Dean's hand went into fists. Really, why, why why can't people see me as a guy. I look back up, but avoiding eye contact with the officer. I pull out my badge again and he inspects it. The badge I had, my hair was longer and my face was more feminine. I wanted to change it so so so bad.

As soon as he left. I Ran to the bathroom to hide and sob. I ran to the stall door and I locked it and sat on the floor. My head was buried in my knees, the tears were rolling down my face rapidly. I wish I was born a guy, I wish that after I transitioned people actually respected me. BEING TRANS SUCKS! I punch the floor and cry even harder. The sobs were quiet but my breathing was terrible, I couldn't hear anything but my breathing,

so I didn't know that the bathroom door opened. "Y/n...?" Cas whispered. I look up from my knees and I see Castiel's and Dean shoes in front of the stall I was in. "Please open up buddy..." Dean mumbled. I slowly stand up and unlock the door, wiping my tears. Both of Cas and Dean's faces were full of concern and worry.

I didn't say anything and I just hugged them. They both hugged back after a second. I stayed in their arms for a bit before Cas tapped me. I look up, "How bout we sit down?" He asks with a small smile that made me feel better. I nod and we all sit down, Dean was on my right and Cas was on my left. "You know, that guy was wrong. He didn't see you for you." Dean said looking at his hands, pressing his finger tips together. Awww that so nice for him to say, thank you Dean.

I felt a hand grab mine to stop them from shaking. Castiel was holding my left hand. I smile at him and squeeze his hand tighter. "Y/n, can we tell you something?" Dean said spacing off. "Yeah, of course!" I said to him. He knows that he could tell me anything right? "Uhhm...Cas?" Dean looked over to him. Cas sighed but he was gonna do it. "What Dean is trying to say, is that we both like you Y/n." Cas stated holding both of my hands now. What!? The two hottest boys and straightest guys LIKE ME!? Ekkkkkkkk!!!!

"Wow..." I mumble to myself. I look over to Dean and he immediately locked eyes with me. His face was full of worry and regret, sadness. "Dean." I say and Dean hummed in confusion. Before he could do anything I leaned in and connected our lips together. He pushed back for a split second but leaned into my touch afterwards. I part away and breath heavily. He looked at me with suprised eyes and happiness. He chuckled and kissed my cheek. "Dont think I forgot about you honey." I turn to Cas who was watching this happen. I lean in and kiss the angel aswell, his scent was honey and the ocean? He smelled nice. He was the one who pulled back this time.

"We love you Man!" Dean pulled my hand with his. Cas was smiling at us and enjoying the scene. I felt loved for me... 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2023 ⏰

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