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(Slight mention of sh) 


"So how long has this been going on?" My mom said leaning on the door.

"Ummm, I'll tell you later." I said pushing her out of the room.

"Dammit son! Please!" She said begging for me to tell her about Bruce and I.

"Damnit women can I get five fucking minutes of peace!" I said.

"Okay fine but as soon as possible your telling me!" She said before shutting the door. I sighed and turned my back to the door to see Bruce sitting up rubbing sleep from his eyes.

"Now I see where you get the attitude from that you rub off on Robin" He said smirking. 

"Oh shut up sweetheart." I said rolling my eyes.


We finished walking Billy's dog and walked home together.

"So, how's everyone and everything been since we haven't hung out together in a while." Billy said starting the conversation after walking in a cold silence for a little while.

"Oh good, Vance cussed out the principal a couple weeks ago." I said looking up at the trees changing color in the autumn cold.

"Haha, for what? What happened Griff?" Billy said lightly shoving me.

"Oh Matty just hit me and we got into a fight. And I put my contact information as Vance's number and lucky for me he wasn't at school so he just came and picked me up. Problem solved!" I said elbowing him.

"That's actually pretty smart griffin but was Vance pissed?" He said smiling lightly.

"Nope! actually he was more mad about the fact that the principal was going to suspend me for the fight needless to say I was never suspended or got in trouble!" I said as we walked up to Billy's front yard. We put biscuit back in her fence and I made my way back to my house after telling Billy bye.


I took Finneys hoodie out of the dryer and just stared at it for a while.

"Uhh, Robin why are you just standing there it's kinda creepy." Ryan said standing in the doorway with his arms crossed.

"Oh sorry Ryan I'm leaving now." I said throwing the cloth over my shoulder and ruffling his hair before leaving to my room. I was actually worried about Finney. I found out about the self harming thing before Finn went missing. We were having a sleepover and he went to the bathroom and took apart a razor laying on the bathroom counter. I still get chills thinking about what would have happened if I hadn't decided to go check on him. He promised he'd quit and he seemed to be ok for a while until now. When I grabbed his arm in the kitchen when we were talking to my mom his reply kinda shocked me.

"Can you please let go?" He said it in kind of a low whisperer as to not let my family hear him. Maybe I'm over thinking it and worrying about him to much. I folded his light blue hoodie and set it on my desk and rested on my bed for a bit. Maybe I am overthinking and these nosebleeds are just messing with me. I said turning over and throwing the blanket over my head and started to doze off. 


I stared down at my fresh cuts that had just been bandaged. You should be ashamed of yourself. That thought replayed and raced through my head over and over until I decided to shut my own head up by going to bed.  

"Finney...?" I opened my eyes to see Robin standing there in my doorway looking sad.

"Robin? when and how did you get here?" I said immediately putting my arms behind back so he couldn't the fresh cuts I had just made.

"Show me your arms. You promised you'd quit." He said grabbing my arm.

"Robin i'm sorry I will I promise!" I said trying to rip my arm away from the grasp he had on it. I shot up out of bed in a cold sweat realizing I had just been dreaming. 

"Thank god..." I said my voice cracking. I could feel the tears sting my eyes before I let one fall and roll down my face. Robin hadn't found out. Yet. It was just a dream. I started to sob burying my face in my knees. If anyone were to find out he'd be the last person I'd want to found out or know. Why was it so hard to quit why can't I!. I hated myself for the way I handled my mental health I wish I could do it differently I really wish I could. 


I had agreed to meet Robin to get my hoodie back about 2:30. We decided to go to the park. I was walking listening to the leaves crunch under my feet when I spotted a black van sitting in the parking lot. My stomach immediately started to turn and I got instant chills. Please just go away. 

{Hey fruit cups sorry for the short chapter but I haven't had the greatest week. My grandma told me word for word "i hope she wouldn't feel the need to mutilate her body like that." If you didn't know she was talking about my sh. I just don't know how to get better and I'm sorry but I don't want to tell anyone because I'm scared they'll be ashamed of me or something. Anyway don't turn out like me fruit cups and stay safe I love you all so much. This is probably the hardest chapter I've ever had to write.❤️} 

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