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(Do you guys want to come up with a ship name for Ryan and Sam? Just wondering cause if you want to leave it in the comments)


I finally got the courage to call Sam after I got home. I honestly didn't expect an answer since it was 12:30 at night on a Saturday.

"Come on asshole pick up the phone." I mumbled under my breath while playing with the dangling cord.

"Hello? Ryan?" His voice said as if he was expecting a call from me.

"Don't hey Ryan me! You ditched me and for what!?" I said not being able to hold it in anymore.

"Ry, I'm sorry I was with Jessie, that was actually what I was trying to tell you this morning." He said his voice clam. Well at least he had a reason to ditching me, but still, why?.

"Who the hell is Jessie?" I asked confused about the person I never heard of before.

"My girlfriend." that actually hurt, I felt sad. But I was happy for Sam, I mean shouldn't a good friend be? Fuck. Robin and Finney made this relationship shit look so easy.

"O-oh that's great sam, I'm happy for you. Hey I have to get to bed before I wake Robin up, I'll see you tomorrow at school.

"Okay! Thanks Ry! Your the best friend a guy could ask for!" He said his happiness clearly showing.

"Yeah of course" I sighed hanging up the phone before the tears slipped out. I wanted Robin but he was asleep and with Finney. I decided to just suck it up until morning when I could actually talk to Robin without being  bother.

"Just suck it up Ryan" I muttered under my breath looking up at my ceiling as I lay in bed. I eventually fell asleep as much as I didn't want to.


"Bye Finn," I said giving the short curly headed boy a hug before he waved goodbye and walked into the street disappearing into the darkness of the rain that had started pouring earlier. 

"Robin?..." I turned around shutting the front door behind me.

"Hey kid what's up? You look upset" I said pointing to my younger brothers tear stained face.

"I am, I wanted to tell you earlier what happened but didn't want to be a bother to you and Finney" bother? Ryan was never a bother to me, or Finn.

"Ry, your not a bother now tell me what's wrong?" I asked as my brother just sighed giving me one the most biggest hugs.

"Sam ditched me to hang out with a girl..." he sighed.

"Well Ry, maybe Sam's just not the person you thought you'd like, you'll find someone else. And if that asshole ditches you again don't hesitate to tell me, ok? I mean that's what I'm here for." I said hugging my younger brother back tightly. 

"I will, thanks Robin" he said leaving back to his room.

"Mhm, I'm going to start dinner" I said parting ways with Ryan for a little bit.

"Ok!" He called out from his room. 


"They're going to bleed if you keep picking at them like that" Bruce said pulling my hands apart to keep me from picking at my fingers.

"I know, I'm sorry..." I replied bluntly looking down at my nails that I picked a bit to deep.

"It's ok, now do you wanna tell me what you read last night to make you freak out so badly?" He asked giving me a reassuring smile. 

"I read that he went to jail for sexually assaulting a kid, and he has a brother, and his brother doesn't live far from here. If its okay with you can we go talk to him? Maybe we could ask him about his brother?" I asked with a shy look on my face.

"Yeah, come on" he sighed pulling me up from the bed and grabbing his shoes.

We left the house making sure Amy was ok by herself for a little bit and walked for about thirty minutes before Bruce abruptly stopped causing me to crash into him.

"Bruce what fuck?" I said confused on why he just stopped, and so suddenly.

"I think we're here?" He said looking down at an old cut out news paper holding it up near the house making sure he was correct.

"Well come on then let's get in, and get out this place is creepy" I said grabbing his hand and walking towards the front door. I knocked on it twice getting impatient starting to believe that no one lived here. The door flung open to show a tall man with black hair and a mustache resting on top of his lip.

"Hi-" Bruce managed to say before the man who was supposedly the grabbers brother spoke.

"I don't do questions." He said shutting the door back before I stopped it with my hand which I guess caught him off guard because he opened it back.

"We're just here to ask about Albert?" Bruce asked handing the older man a picture he pulled out of his pocket. He took and looked over it before he spoke once more.

"Albert? I haven't seen him in forever come on in," that was surprising, just two, seconds ago he was about to slam his door shut on us. Bruce and I walked inside and just stood beside the door  awkwardly waiting for him to speak.

"I'm Max Shaw" he said holding his hand out to Bruce who shook it hesitantly.

"Trust me kids, I'm not my brother. You don't have to be so wary" he said rolling his eyes.

"Sorry we're not trying to come off as rude or anything we just haven't been this far from town before." I said which was a complete lie. This guy creeped me out, I mean he was the grabbers brother after all. 

"Well, Mr. Shaw we're just here to ask a few questions and then we'll be out of your hair." Bruce said with a lopsided smile.

"Alright, Ask away then" he said turning on his heel and walking into what I guess was his living room.

{I had someone say they like max, so max in the story 🙂👍 love you fruit cups ❤️}

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