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(May have mistakes I'm having a lot of writers block rn.)


"You found it yet?" 

"Nope, you?" I said looking over at Bruce taking out a bunch of papers from a library box.

"Ughhh, no. We seriously went through all of this and for what!?" He said throwing his hands up dramatically.

"Vance! Are You listening?" Bruce said waving his hand in my face. 

"Huh? Oh yeah. Why does she keep looking at us?" I said pointing to the librarian watching Bruce and I from afar. She walked over to the phone and called someone's number she had written on a sheet of paper. 

"I don't know V, with the way people are about us being so close they probably find it Odd" He said looking down noticing we were holding hands.

"Well, do you think she's going to be side eyeing us the entire time we're going to be in here?" I said started to get agitated.

"I don't know maybe, I don't give two shits though." He said going back to shelf and handing me stuff to hold while he tried to find whatever the book was he was talking about earlier. 

"I don't know it's just kinda creepy." I said quietly so that the women couldn't hear us.

"Vance?..." Bruce said flipping through pages in a book.


"Has Robin mentioned any like, nightmares or anything...?" He said pulling out an old brown book with black writing on the front cover on it.

"Yeah? Why?" I said starting to get worried by his tone of voice.

"Because, I think I found it...." He said bringing the book his side looking scared.


"Finney?" I said pulling away from the hug and holding his face with my hand.

"Yeah?" He said smiling.

"I got to go home, Ryan will be back from Sam's soon." I said giving him a quick peck on his forehead before walking out of the door.

"Bye Rob!" He screamed as I shut his bedroom door.

"Bye amor be safe." 

I walked halfway out of Finn's street when I bumped into an old man crossing the street.

"Oh! Silly me! Your so unnoticeable I almost ran you over!" The man said excitedly.

"Uh, yeah my bad." I said as I covered my face with my hand. I walked down the street frantically and felt the nosebleed get progressively worse. I turned the corner and ran head first into someone.

"damn Robin! You almost knocked me over you idiot!" Ryan shrieked before noticing the blood gushing from my nose and pouring out onto my hand.

"Yeah, yeah, come on dickhead let's get home." I said grabbing him by the hair and dragging him in the direction of our house.

"Who hit you with a damn bus?" He said ripping my hand from his hair walking beside me.

"No one dumbass, I just get bad nosebleeds for some reason now, look it's going down." I said rolling my eyes. 

"Ok whatever, attempting to argue with you is equivalent to trying to argue with a brick wall." He said sighing as he took out his house keys and unlocked the door.

"Thanks for walking me home Rob!" He said as he gave me a hug.

"Yeah sure your welcome kid." As said putting a hand on top his head hugging him back.

"Ok that's enough!" I said pushing him away slightly.

"Asshole!" He screamed hitting me in the arm. 


"Okay look it's right here! Nosebleeds can happen around certain things or people that cause or provoke trauma." I said running my finger along the words in the book.

"But what trauma would Robin have to provoke these nosebleeds around us?" Vance said reading over the line the text was written in.

"Vance?" I said looking up at him.

"Yeah?" He said writing down the new information on a piece of notebook paper.

"Do you think Robin and the rest of us are being stalked? By him? And what about when the grabber took Finney for as long as he did? What if that put trauma onto the poor kid." I said my finger beginning to shake as I tried to hold the book still.

"Bruce, I didn't want to scare you but, Robin called me a few weeks ago about hearing something like tapping on his bedroom window around two in the morning one night. He was also complaining about a nosebleed happening while the tapping was going on. I don't know poor kid sounded terrified. Like he didn't feel safe anymore." He said his voice becoming more silent with every word.

"I know it's something you don't wanna do Vance, but it's probably best we tell Robin and Finney about what we found out." I said my eyes going to the floor.

"I just hope that he isn't plotting anything against them. And that he's really still gone." Vance said sighing.

"Come here." I said grabbing him into a hug. 

"We should probably tell them as soon as possible..." 

"Yeah, yeah I know..." he said grabbing onto me tighter.

"It's okay, they'll be safe." I said unsure of my own words. Would they really be? 


"Hey, uh Gwen?" I knocking on her bedroom door.

"Yeah Finney come in!" She shouted from outside of her room. I twisted the door open and stepped inside to see her on her bed staring at the ceiling silently.

"You okay?" I said sitting next to her punching her shoulder like she always does to me.

"Yeah...just thinking." She said bringing her knees up close to her face.

"Your not ok Gwen. Don't think you can lie to me I'm your brother." I said putting an arm around her shoulder and brining her close. She rested her head on my shoulder and whispered out a couple words that sent shivers up my spine.

"I-I dreamed about him, he's not really gone Finney." She said her voice finally starting to cave as she grabbed onto me and sobbed into my shoulder.

"I know Gwen, I've had my doubts for a while now..." I said rubbing her back as tears burned my eyes. I had to tell Robin and the others what Gwen told me.

{gonna end it right there fruit cups love you all so much stay safe my loves. Updating tomorrow maybe. ❤️💕💗🤗🥰☺️}

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